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Chapter 9


I wake up with a pounding headache and realise am not alone but in my room with my siblings and parents by my side.

Damn I need a pain killer I grunt out. and why the hell am I hot and sweaty?

Jesus I pull myself out of the blanket, and grab the water and drugs from Hallie and swallow it all up Immediately,

Tori baby I need you to tell me what you saw in that vision mum turns to me immediately

My eyes get blurry with tears, mum, dad, xander I hug each of them before calming down.

what happened baby?? Dad pets my hair

I saw xander bleeding in a pool of blood with a hole where his heart was supposed to be at my secret route at school.

i watch as xander's breath hitch and...-" and...-" I hiccup I saw you and dad in a coffin I think Hallie all I saw was brown haired girl crying her eyes out, with that stranger with the green hair guy comforting her.

And a blonde woman, with violet eyes and a golden crown on her head and she was laughing sitting on a throne.

it was horrible mum I don't want to lose you guys I promise I'll do anything I say standing up
and hugging xander.

Oh honey, it was a vision, your mind was just trying to tell you what would happen if you had walked out on us leaving us to do everything ourselves she bit her lips staring at me.

I promise you, i won't be selfish mom I promise I mumble into xander's chest.

Tori you are not selfish trust me, you just reacted, you just want to be normal, trust me I wish you all where but there is nothing I can do, now tell me about this secret route?

I nod and remove my head from xanders chest I turn to my mom who is standing outside my closet door with the mirror on it, and I look anything but normal, why the fuck do I have tattoos now?

The pendant kinda found its owner tada!!!! my mom exclaims

But am not a dragon-"

Yes not fully you will adjust, but you are partly a dragon and a witch, that's what I think anyway, your dragon powers will increase and your witch powers will reduce to just little things you can do okay she nods staring at me through the mirror and all dragons have these tattoos it's like a sign of dominance in Nelli-Vance.

I nod, and what about the strangers???

They will protect all of you and their names are Emily the blonde girl, Jason the green haired one and Jordan the blue haired one , you will see them from time to time she shrugs.
for now you should really go swimming to cool yourself down you will be hot for a while the pendant is just adjusting.

I nod okay, so how long was I out??

Everyone leaves the room refusing to answer me, I roll my eyes moving to my side table grabbing my phone, my eyes go wide oh fuck 5 days today is Wednesday so I have school tomorrow I did not even get to enjoy my weekend I groan.

I grab my swimsuit and change, grabbing my towel am extremely hot so swimming at 7 in the evening its not such a bad idea, I climb down the stairs heading for the pool when I see Jake and xander arm wrestling, Jake is winning I raise my eyebrows at this, mom comes to stand by my side.

Mom? I have a question, how come the triplets did not shift and all that wolf shit? I ask from reading and watching movies am sure they are meant to do that?

She smiles oh they did.
They just don't remember seeing as I cleared their memories from it, your dad and I were there, helped them and all.

Is that why you keep them locked in your room every full moon? I turn to her with furrowed brows I think we all notice that one thing.

She nods, I never thought you noticed it was a full Moon now go you are radiating off too much heat she nods in the direction of the pool.

I nod and I jump in the pool I swim for a while before floating on my back am in the water till 9pm when I finally cool off, I head to my room everywhere is quiet everyone must have fallen asleep, I lie on my bed after changing to my pyjamas and text my friends that am fine.
there is no way they will not see the tattoos tomorrow.
I fall asleep thinking why my world turned upside down like this?


I wake up extremely late I quickly change to my uniform and head out seeing the house is quiet my guess they all went out already.
I drive to school quickly but I park behind our escape route door, I have to do some research soon this library had something to do with my vision and am finding out.

my grandmother also disappeared here, and my hands are itching to find out what the library has in store for me.

I walk to the gates,entering inside I walk quickly to my maths class thankfully its a young teacher so no worries, I put my hair in a ponytail, knocking then entering , I say nothing and walk to a seat at the back plopping myself on a seat ignoring the outstanding stares and immediate whispers

I know I look different my normal tan skin is now glowing like I had a bath in a pool of golden oil, my hair a whole lot longer and my eyes are shinning extremely green like emeralds and the red part of my hair has taken control and my hair is much more defined and a darker red than brown and am pretty sure the tattoos on my fingers are showing.

I have tattoos just at the top part of my body I checked this morning and I have the huge pendant symbol on my back and on the right side of my arm, my fingers have writings in Latin I think, I really don't understand what they say, my stomach has a crown  and some Angel wings around it, fish tails, fairy wings and so on I think they represent the things the dragons rule, then there is my other arm consisting of a beautiful goddess with beautiful red flowers surrounding her and there is water flowing from her body like a fountain as she stands up right with a witch standing by her side I actually like that one, then there's my face just on top of my eyebrows there is a word written, HOPE and I think I love it the best.

The bell rings , I quickly stand ignoring the stares, heading to my locker,i spot zania and Eze and I smirk to myself when I see their astonished faces


Yup in the flesh and blood I bow slightly

What the fuck happened to you!!! Eze exclaims

Uhm I don't know, woke up like this I shrug, like really I literally woke up like this

And you got tattoos Cassie shouts coming to my sides

I laugh nodding, you ain't seen nothing yet

Was it painful? she asks with furrowed brows inspecting my body

I nod and shrug, I blacked out

And the tattoo artist continued???, what did your parents say???, your brothers, xander?? Cassie Continues with her questions as we head to the gym lockers

Yes, nothing, and cool, now let me change and I shall answer your questions, the lockers are filled with girls gossiping and talking already.

I open up my locker and take out my blue tank top with the school logo at the front with yellow basketball shorts, but small female size, I take off my top stuffing it in my locker, the locker room goes extremely silent that you could hear a pin drop, followed by loud murmurs I know gossip surrounding me, I ignore the stares and change, redoing my hair in a ponytail with Zania and Cassie tailing me with questions, I enter the gym ignoring the stares on my arms and face.

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A Little Bit Of Normal (Supernatural) One [UNDER EDITING] √Where stories live. Discover now