Chapter 23: Empty Feeling

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Bakugou opens his eyes and finds himself surrounded by a white void. He walked aimlessly as he was trying to figure out what this place was. He abruptly stopped when he stops in front of a mirror.

The mirror showed himself but it also showed a reflection of another person behind him. Bakugou turned around and saw the same figure that was in the reflection.

"Hey!". He called. The figure didn't respond. Bakugou clicked his tongue in annoyance. " Hey! I'm talking to you! So answer-". The figure turned around and looked at him.

A small light was brought into his eyes when he saw that it was you. "Y/N?". He questioned. You gave him a smile. The smile that represented your compassionate nature. The smile that he loved.

He ran up to you but it seems the closer you got, the farther you were. It seemed like no end until he stopped. You appeared behind him.

He turns. "Y/ you long enough". He breaths out. You continued staring blankly at him.

He continued. " I was getting worried for no reason. It's about time you came back you asshole". He chuckles but it wasn't chuckles of joy. More like he was trying to hide his emotions by laughing. "You know I waited. I was waiting patiently for you. You...I don't know what you're doing to me. Ever since you left I hadn't been myself lately. Hell, I've been starving myself and getting lack of sleep because of you".

You remained silent and it annoyed him. He gritted his teeth in anger, his fur cast over his eyes as he tried to hide his emotions.

" Why? Why aren't you saying anything?". He questioned. "You finally see me and now you're not saying anything". He weakly chuckles. "As always, you're still an annoying girl"

"Bakugou you're hiding something are you". You responded

He chokes up a laugh. "Aha. I'm hiding something? No way"

"Your actions speak otherwise". You pointed out. Whenever he was hiding something he looked too tensed. " Just tell me what's wrong"

He laughs again. "What's wrong? What's wrong?! You're what's wrong". You went back to being silent. Your face showed no emotion. You listened to him. " you know how hard it was for me to let you go?"

When you didn't say anything he continued. "It was very hard. After everything. We went from people that despised each other to people that ended up as friends. That day, two days ago, when you wanted to see your brothers, I could have made you stay, I couldn't have given a damn about your brothers and stuck with the deal but your soft heart grew on me". He chuckled once again then looked up, revealing tears at the corner of his eyes. "Letting you go was a huge sacrifice for me because I needed you. I got to know you more and it just grew harder and harder for me because I had a feeling that one day your ass would leave me. I didn't want to stay attached because one day I knew you would leave me like everyone else in my damn life that I really cared about. It always happens!".

He sniffed. "My dumbass even grew feelings for you! Pathetic right!". Tears emerged from the corner of his eyes. "And just like everyone else, you left as well as I said before. Also, just like everyone else, they don't come back! Never! You're the same way! You're never come back! I know that for a fact!"

Your eyes didn't move from his gaze. Bakugou rubbed the tears away from his eyes. "Happy now dammit. I fucking love you okay! Is that what you wanted to hear!?"

You took a few steps towards him. Now you two were 4 inches away from each other. "Bakugou...thanks for telling me everything...but unfortunately I just don't feel that way about you"

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