Chapter 19: Ask Her

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"Kacchan". Izuku says as he entered the West Wing. Looking around, it actually looked cleaner than before. With Y/N here, she made sure that she made it look all nice and clean.

Bakugou growls upon hearing his name being called. "What do you want Deku?". He says as he stares at the Flame.

"I hate to that person with grim topics but...your birthday is coming up-"

"I know"

"But that's also the deadline of the spell-"

"I know!"

"Well have you fallen in love with Y/N? Has she fallen in love with you?"

"I don't know!" Bakugou voice was higher than before. He remembered. He remembered the deadline of the spell. The question is, will he make it in time?

"What do you mean you don't know"

"It means what it sounds like okay!". Bakugou marches over to his chair and rests his arm on the side. Frustration grew in him as he closes his eyes tight and rubbed his face in an annoyed manner. This deadline situation was stressing him out badly. Every day he looks at that flame and gets reminded of it. It was pissing him off. The worst thing about it is he doesn't even know his own feelings still and he's been trying to figure them out for weeks.

"I don't know how this whole love thing works okay. I don't know how to tell if she loves me...I don't know how to tell if I like her". He sighs. His fingers on his opposite hand taps on his resting arm in a repeated state as he thinks to himself. "I don't know how the hell these emotions work...Just...ARGH, Why are feelings so complicated dammit!?". He violently scratches his head in frustration.

Izuku could do nothing but watch. To see Bakugou, a stubborn, short-tempered person struggle like this was hard to watch. It was almost uncomfortable seeing him in this state since he's been known to boss everyone around. I guess he sorta got used to his bossy attitude. And it is not like Izuku can explain feelings since he's not good with explaining things like that.

"Well, its because you're making them complicated man". Kirishima remarks suddenly. Izuku spins around to see Kirishima at the door.

"Kirishima! I didn't realize you were standing there"

"Yeah well I heard yelling upstairs and I thought it might be best to investigate. I see that Bakugou is struggling with emotions"

"NO IM NOT DAMMIT!". He hisses

Izuku whispers. "Actually he's really struggling with them"

"SHUT UP DEKU!". Bakugou grits his teeth while his claws dig into the armrest of the chair.

"Seems like it to me". Kirishima remarks. "Anyway, you know about the-"

"Deku already told me! No need to remind me for the billionth time!"

"Okay. Okay. Calm down will you? That anger is not going to get you anywhere". Kirishima said. He moved to the left side of the table and sat down in front of Bakugou. Kirishima could tell that Izuku didn't know the first thing about feelings or couldn't explain them well. So even though he knew a tiny bit about emotions, he still didn't quite understand the full grasp of them but he's willing to help anyone in need. "Now tell me how do you feel about Y/N?"

Bakugou deadpans. "I'm not doing no therapy shit"

"Don't think of it as therapy. Think of it as...trying to help you understand what your feeling so you can move to the next thing"

"That's still therapy dipshit-"

"Anyways!". Kirishima interrupts. "Tell us how do you feel? What are you feeling it fact?"

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