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A/N - If you expect me to remember the scripts lines, such as all of them. I don't I remember about half of some them. So, please don't stop reading. :T

Anyways enjoy the chapter! ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)

Anyways enjoy the chapter! ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)

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The mission was half win half lose. Dad and I headed to my favorite person in all of S.H.I.E.L.D. Fury, but I call him Gramps, he's the one that watches over me when dad can't bring me on missions.

We were just on an elevator to a simple talk with him. That's what I thought but, it was not going the way it was going.

"Dad, what's wrong?" He sighs. I turn away from him. "Is it Aunt Nat?" He puts his hand on my shoulder.

"..no, kiddo. It's just Gramps." I just nodded. The elevator doors opened.

Dad walks out. "You don't know when to stop lying do you?" He said in his usual triggered voice.

"Agent Romanoff had a different mission than yours."

Back and fourth, finally it was over.

"I want to show you two something.." Nick guided us to an elevator.

The elevator voice intercom said, "Captain Rogers and Agent Rogers do not have clearance  for Project Insight."

"Director override. Nicolas J. Fury."

Silence was in the room for a few seconds.

Dad broke it. "Y'know, they used to play music."

I was standing there with my left arm down, and my right arm hugging my left elbow. Gramps chuckled. "..my grandfather operated one of these for 40 years.."

"Granddad worked in a nice building and got good tips. He'd bring a lunchbox to work everyday. Inside the bag was a roll of crumbled ones."

"He'd always say 'hi' to the neighbors. They'd say hi back. But, time went on.. neighborhood got rougher. Grandad got ahold of that lunchbag a little tighter.

Dad asked, "..did he ever get mugged?" Gramps chuckled again. "Every week some punk would say 'what's in the bag?!'

"What did he do?" My eyes shuffled to who's voice I heard. Gramps said, "He'd show them, there was his crumbled ones and a loaded .22 Magian.

I watched the elevator go down and down then dad and Gramps just talked and talked. Me being the curious person I am wondered around, I'd just been gone for a minute, then dad got mad.

"Y/N! Get back over here!" Dad crosses his arms. I rolled my eyes and came back slowly.

"..sorry?" I said a little rudely. Dad just stares at me more. "Just looking around."

"Please don't talk to me like that. Uhm.. darling.. but, can you wait in the elevator?"

I sighed and nodded dully. "Thanks kiddo." He ruffles my hair. I let him at it for a few more seconds.
"Bye.." I waved at Gramps. He chuckles and waved back.


As she left and stood by the elevator. She heard some talking, Rumlow and a new face.

"..what about his daughter?" Rumlow said in a quiet voice. He had his arms crossed.

"I'll decide later. But for Fury I'll have my own weapon take him out. You take care of Steve and his daughter." He said.

"..oh my god! DAD!" Y/N ran as fast as she could. Her father turned to see her. "Someone was talking about "taking care" of Gramps, you and I!" I was screaming.

As the two men walked out she hid behind Steve. The two of them crossed their arms formally.

"..it, was them." Y/N whispered into her father's ear.

"..sorry about Y/N, kinda a rough day.. heh, anyways.. we're off. Bye Fury!" Steve waves.

"Dad.." she needed her dad to know. "I was Rumlow and an older blonde man talking to teach other."

Steve was.. well mad, a little. "Y/N what's happening to you?! Rumlow is a trustworthy man! Leader of STRIKE! HE ISN'T BAD!" He crosses his arms and steps away.



You quickly raced up the stairs and went up to your room. Slamming the door behind you.

"H..He doesn't understand.. that's all.." You wiped a small tear off. Landing on you bed, your F/C sheets wrapped around you.

You felt safe in your covers. But your dad came in.

"..hey kiddo, listen.. I'm sorry about what happened at SHIELD.. just, I'm close with Rumlow." He sighed. Taking a few steps he sits on your bed.

"You're okay dad.." you hugged him with you legs. He chuckles and says, "Get your shoes on.. I wanna take you somewhere.."

"Where?" You said in a tired tone. He smiles. "You'll see."


You looked around, an 'o' shape formed in your mouth. "Dad? Is this whole place for you?" He shook his head. "It's also for some other heroes that helped in WWII." He took your hand and led you to a cinema. On the way there, there was a little boy staring at you and Steve.

He knew your dad as Captain America. Just stood there. He was starstruck. Steve smiled and gave him a shush sign. He just nodded and kept looking at him.

Y / N

Dad kept leading me to the cinema, he was ready for me to show his past. As we kept on coming to the place I saw something..

Dad looked down and saw me looking at a glass picture with a man on it. It said:

James Buchanan "Bucky" Barnes

He sighed and said, "We'll look over there in a bit."

In the cinema..

Dad brought me to the third row, the clip started, it was Peggy Carter. Dad took me to visit her in her hospital bed sometimes.

But this was in the 1950s. It's nice to see her. She seemed like she was a feisty ginger. Hehe! But the video was telling us about how dad saved his husband. How dad was the greatest hero of all time.

Sadly, the video ended. I took dad's hand and led him to the glass that said "A Fallen Comrade
James Buchanan "Bucky" Barnes"

The intercom tells us about him. Dad must've know him in the forties.

But, we needed to go.


In My Arms Part 10 IS ALMOST HERE!

It's gonna be short like normal ;-;
I'm gonna finish it when I'm at 15 parts. Sorry guys, I'll maybe have you fall for Peter in this on as well. (;


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