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A/N-Involves touchy touchy but no fingy inserty...what the actual fuck did I just type...I'm laughing way to hard rn from writing that XD but rly, I didn't feel like making this an actual smut bc idk I just didn't lol

You, Hank, and Connor were all chillin at a club for your 'night off'. Not a sex club, just a normal club were people get drunk and dance and get high. You and Hank were at the bar drinking maybe a little too much. Connor was sitting at a booth alone awkwardly and slightly panicked when a girl or guy got to close to him too drunk to realise that he's an android. (Yes guys as well! Like if I were a guy I'd be gay for him \_[;-;]_/)

You and Hank were talking randomly about whatever came to mind. At one point you started talking about what would happen if a giraffe fucked a zebra. (Fun fact: my friends and I actually had this convo ;-; okie I'm done) Hank kept saying that it would never work because the giraffe would be too tall, but you argued that if the giraffe simply got on its knees, it would totally work. After that weird ass conversation, you both silently began drinking, with the loud music in the background that is.

You turned around and leaned your back against the counter while crossing your arms. You looked around at all the people dancing and having a good time. "I bet I could fuck anyone in here" Hank laughed, "I highly doubt anyone, but some, sure" In your slightly drunk mind, this was a very good idea, but oh it very much wasn't. "$100 says I can" "you're seriously gonna do this?" You smirked, "fuck yeah, point at my victim" Hank looked around the club, "What about him? Er never mind...her? No, she's to desperate...oh that guy looks, nah he probably sucks his own dick...what about-" He looked directly at his android partner, "Connor?"

You started laughing like crazy, "Really Hank? He's too easy!" "He's too innocent, is what you meant to say, see look" You looked back towards Connor who was completely tensed from a guy touching his thigh. Connor slightly pushed his hand off and the guy tried touching his hair but Connor must've said something mean because the guy shot up and stomped away, and Connors very noticeable red LED turned back yellow. "That doesn't mean anything, he's probably just not into desperate people." You say carelessly, taking another shot of vodka.

A few moment later Hank told you to look back at Connor, when you did, you saw two girls, one on either side of him touching him. Something inside of you snapped. "We still up for that bet?" You asked. "Damn, I was looking forward to my hundred bucks" Hank said with a chuckle. You took another shot of vodka and pulled your hoodie over your head, revealing your black lace bra, not see through though. But since you weren't planning on ever taking your hoodie off, you didn't wear a shirt. Just a plain hoodie with shorts.

"Whoa wait the fuck? You taking off your damn clothes wasn't part of the bet!" Hank complained, since he basically saw you as a daughter, he was slightly being over protective. That's probably also why he chose Connor, since he was someone he trusted. "Well you didn't specify" you said and smiled. You took one last shot of vodka and began your journey to Connor, slightly stumbling every so often.

You had too keep brushing people off who kept trying to get a piece of the action. You were slightly annoyed, but you had a mission to accomplish. When you got close enough, Connor immediately looked at you, your eyes anyway, how cute. "Beat it, he's mine." You said to the girls, they at first were gonna argue, but they saw the holographic dog tags around your neck, their brain must've screamed 'cop' because they immediately scooted away.

"Y/n? Where's your shirt?" Connor asked. Fuck you for being innocent. You internally screamed. But you climbed onto the booth table and crawled until you were in front of Connor who was probably extremely confused now. You climbed off only to straddle ha lap. "Is that a gun? Or are you just happy to see me?" You smiled and reached down, "oh, it's actually a gun." "Well, yes, what else would it be?" He asked and tilted his head slightly.

In your very intoxicated state, you were still able to tell that the safety was on. You looked at him dead in the eye and slowly and seductively licked up the side of the barrel. WORST. TASTE. EVER. But you smiled anyway and put the gun on the table behind you. You brought his face to yours and kissed him. He wasn't pulling away, but he wasn't kissing back either. You pulled away awkwardly and let your hands drop down to his chest, "detective, you know that your very intoxicated and not fully in control of your actions." Connor stated. "Conner, please, I really need this" You said with your noses still touching, lightly tugging on his tie practically forgetting about reason you're doing this.

He looked down at your lips and his LED turned red right before his hands reached up and cupped your face pulling you into a kiss. His hands started to roam your exposed skin as your hands slightly tugged on his hair. You chewed on his bottom lip but he didn't seem to understand what you were asking for. You sighed and shoved your tongue into his mouth causing him to slightly tense. You licked along his oddly perfect teeth, not caring that you were literally tasting dead peoples blood. (thats right get your immersion ruined)

You pulled away leaving a string of saliva and leaned your forehead against his. As you were panting, he just acted like nothing happened. Stupid lungs. He stared into your eyes like he was searching for something, but couldn't seem to find it. "Let's take this elsewhere shall we?" You said in between breaths. "No," he simply replied, "I'm not taking advantage of you while your intoxicated, no matter how much I'd like to." Great, so much for getting that hundred bucks. You laid your head onto his shoulder. "Aw fuck me" you quietly cursed yourself. "I thought I just answered that question."

~time skimp...haha skimp, I'm so funny, I know~

You woke up on a couch. One that definitely wasn't yours. You started to get up but the lovely headache decided that you shouldn't. You stared at the ceiling while clutching your head, thinking about wtf actually happened last night, but was quickly pulled from your thoughts when you felt something wet touch your thigh. You quickly sat up to see...Sumo? Ohhh so I'm at Hanks place. You reached forward and scratched his head. You've only seen pictures of him since you've never been to his house, but Sumo must've been friendly since he licked you. Either that or he was planning on eating you.

"Oh, you're up" You heard Connor say. "Jesus fuck me, can you not yell?" You closed your eyes and covered your face. "I'm actually whispering, and there's something to help with the pain on the table." You quickly grab the two tablets as Connor hands you a glass of water. Chugging everything down, you figured it was time for questions and looked up at him, "what exactly happened last light? Last thing I remember was eating your face." "Well, you ended up falling asleep on my shoulder, so I carried you and dragged Hank to his car since Hank was being rather...stubborn. I drove the two of you here and carried Hank to his room, since he fell asleep in the car, he's still asleep by the way, but you woke up somewhat after I brought you inside and puked on the floor, Sumo ate some of it, but I cleaned the rest. And hopefully you don't taste it because I brushed your teeth, and then you passed out again."

"Oh, thanks I guess" You replied and slowly turned to Sumo who was staring at you with his tongue out. "And you, your disgusting." Sumo just tilted and you looked back at Connor, and noticed that he wasn't wearing his jacket. Connor was also looking at you and probably noticed your confusion. "Is there something wrong?" He asked "yeah, where s your jacket?" "Your wearing it. I couldn't find yours, sorry." You shook your head slightly and pat the couch, "sit" He looked at you curiously, but sat anyway. You laid back down but set your head on his lap. You closed your eyes and smiled when you felt his hands gently stoking through your hair and soon fell back asleep.

~oh yeah, another extended ending~

This took longer than I thought bc I started writing something fluffy but I didn't like it so I restarted the whole thing and this emerged 😝 also I didn't go back to edit this so oops if some sentences make no fuckin sense

2021 edit:
- weirdly i kinda liked this one and only had a few grammar fixes to it loool
- only major change was the "maybe he's not into dudes" which reading that i know i meant DESPERATE dudes but i just changed it to desperate people instead bc y e s

Detroit : Become Human ~ Connor x Reader Oneshots//SmutWhere stories live. Discover now