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A/N- I'll do the sec part of 8 next and I got this idea from Doctor Who when Clara asked 11th for the favour....except Connor won't be naked....that's gonna be weird if u don't know what I'm talking about....also oops I literally typed this at work. So I was like screwing on the tail cone of a V-Tail Bonanza (it's a airplane if u don't know) and somehow didn't get in trouble so that's dedication smh. Oh and in this ur adopted. Since I don't know how y'all parents act, now u adopted.

It was the Fourth Of July tomorrow and you were sitting at your dining table, on the phone with your (adoptive) parents, as most people were. The only problem was you may or may have not lied to them about having a boyfriend. Your parents would always complain that you were always a failure, so, a few months ago, you may or may have not told them that you got a boyfriend. They were of course pleased that you might have a future that's not lonely.

"Ok mom and dad, see you tomorrow." "Alright sweetheart, see you then, love you." You heard your dad say, "Oh! I almost forgot! Bring that boyfriend of yours will you? I'd really like to meet him!" Your mom said excitedly. "Ah, uh, yeah...yeah! Sure! I'll see if he can come." "He better, because I'm starting to doubt he even exists!" Your dad chuckled, "Well, I'll see you guys tomorrow, love you." You finished and they exchanged their 'I love you' before hanging up. The second they ended the call, you hit your face against your table and laid there thinking of what excuse you could use to get out of this situation.

Maybe I could just ask a friend to pretend? You thought and lifted your head slightly to look at your phone. You went to your contacts and started scrolling to see who could show up on such a short notice. You eventually started to give up. But the you heard your phone ping, indicated that you got a text message from none other than the softest android; Connor. He texted something about work but you didn't read it, instead you quickly called him. "CONNOR. YOU'RE MY BOYFRIEND." You yell the second he answered. "I don-" "Wait, what are you doing tomorrow?" You questioned.

"Coming to work to fill in for the Lieutenant, why?" He said, making you roll your eyes. "Fuck work. Your my boyfriend now. For tomorrow anyway, please? I told my parents I had a boyfriend but I don't...actually...you get the point. So please help me." You begged. He was silent but he didn't hang up, which made you cringe slightly.

"Alright. I'll help you detective." You smiled, "your my boyfriend now, so don't call me that." "Alright....babe." He said making you laugh, "Well, that's better...I guess...just, meet me at my house tomorrow at 9am. Oh, and it might sound weird, but can you look...human? Just tell Hank what I said and you'll be fine. It's not that I don't like the way you look, it's just, my family doesn't really like androids..." You started to ramble but he cut you off, "It's alright y/n, I understand. See you tomorrow." The both of you shared your goodbyes before finally hanging up.

~Toop scop by Toy Chic(k)a cut scenes make Markimoo feel hella uncomfortable~

It was almost 11:42am and you were panicking. It was about a thirty minute drive and you needed to be there at 12. You were already dressed with your hair and makeup (I actually don't wear makeup but if u do then there u go) done. You knew if you didn't leave now, your parents would probably be pissed and your (s/n is your step sisters name bc I didn't feel like coming up w/ something) s/n was never going to stop teasing you for the rest of your life. You've tried calling Connor literally 40 times but finally decided that you should head over, so you grabbed your purse/hand bag and keys and left.

~yes yes stfu there's another time skip~

     Just suck it up, you've been standing in front of the door for five minutes, you mentally scolded yourself. You finally agreed with yourself that you were going to go with the usual 'he can't make it cuz of work' line. The day before, you had sent Connor a message of everything you've said about your mystery guy, so he wouldn't accidentally say something that contradicted with something you've made up in the past, and they think that your 'boyfriend' is a lawyer, so hopefully they would believe that he was on a trip or something.

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