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This is another request~~ it's where the reader is a deviant •.•

~bad start~

Y/n p.o.v

Well, this is a shitty day.

It wasn't my fault, no no. My 'owner' was an ass and I just about had enough of his bitching. He kept touching me and started yelling when I told him he needed to take his fucking pills.

And that night I realized sometimes they needed a little push.

In the face.

With a chair.

But again, not my fault. Besides, he isn't dead. Just... had a minor concussion and had to get stitches. Not the worst thing that happened.

What really sucks is that instead of just dissembling me, somehow they know that I know where Jericho is. It's extremely true, but now they have to get another android to ask questions.

A little ironic if you ask me.

Anyways, here I am, sitting in a empty room, waiting for the RK800 dude to go all gangster on me.

Then I see it.

A one way mirror window thingie.

Never knew I needed it till now. So I start singing a random song I heard while picking up the food the lazyass bitch won't do himself.


I faced the window thing and yelled out, "Fuck you Gavin a fucking male dog has bigger balls then you!"

Connor p.o.v

"That fucking piece of plastic when I get my hands on it-"

"Let me ask some questions first." I interrupted. We can't risk anymore deviants getting away without answers.

"What good will you do? You're just like that thing." His eyes did... a roll? I wonder if there's a word for that.

"Come on, give him a chance." Hank squinted his right eye at me.

"Is something wrong?"

"Jesus- I was doing a wink." He rubbed his temple in annoyance, I believe.

"Lieutenant, I don't think that was a wink. From my experience a wink is supposed to be one eye closed." I furrowed my eyebrows in confusion.

"Dammit- just go in there"

"Will do."

I walked in, to see the deviant sticking out it's  tongue towards the one way mirror.

"Before we start, if I may ask what exactly are you doing?"

"Your mom." It grinned.

"We androids don't have a mother. We are simply made by-"

"You're no fun." The android did the same thing Gavin did with his eyes.

I slammed my hands on the table, it doesn't even flinch.

"This isn't supposed to be fun. You disobeyed your owner and tried killing him." I yelled out.

"Well his doctor told me to make sure he takes his pills and my 'owner' wanted me to have sex with him and wouldn't take the pills. I can't do fucking both." It sighed.

"Did that mean you should hit him with a chair?!" I leaned forward.

"You know, you're lucky you are pretty cause you can be a pain in the ass." The deviant smirked.

"Wh... what?"

It then leaned in to whisper in my ear, "you can torture me, dissemble me, but Jericho is for androids that want to be free. They are alive. If you can't accept that then don't expect me to tell you anything."

It then put their lip against mine. From my research, it's kissing me?

For some reason I don't pull away, confused but... calm at the same time.

What confused me even more is when it pulled away I tried leaning forward so it didn't have to stop.

"I knew even the famous RK800 can be a deviant."


OoF I hope it was good lmao. Bye lovelies•w•

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