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/New Doggo/

A/n- Next one will be vine related then the one after that will be a smut. Or the other way around idk. AND IN THIS UR HANKS DAUGHTER BTW. Also a quick warning, I seem to have lost the ability to write good so rip.

     You had just adopted another dog. A female husky to be exact (Bc they cute stfu). The only thing was that you didn't tell your dad you were getting another dog, but you thought Sumo could use a friend. Which was true since the second you got home with her they started playing.

     Right now you were standing in the kitchen next to the dog bowls. Sumo was eating but she was just staring at you. "Don't you dare tell me that you're picky." She just blinked, still staring at you. "Eat." You commanded, pointing at the new bowl next to Sumos. She just blinked again. Sumo looked back at her before eating her food as well.

     "Really? Thanks for helping me out Sumo." You said sarcastically making him grumble as a response. All three of your heads perked up though when a car door slammed shut in front of the house. Sumo pushed both of you out of the way and sat by the door while the husky sat next to you, unmoving.

     Two figures approached the door and you could hear your dads voice on the other side, so you assumed the other figure was Connor. The moment the door opened Sumo was all over them as both Hank and Connor greeted him like normal. "Hey y/n, how long have you bee-" Hank froze, noticing the other dog in the room.

     "What the fuck is that?" "I hope you don't mind, but, I got Sumo a friend." You said hopefully, "And I'm not giving her back, so she stays." He eyed the husky that was still firmly planted next to you. "Is it potty trained?" "It's a she, and yes." "Does she chew on shit?" "Nope. Only toys." "Does she have all of her shots?" "Yeah." "Fine. She can stay. But you're taking care of her. One thing broken and shes out." He finished before walking to the bathroom.

     Connor slowly approached the both of you. "What's her name?" He simply asked while looking at her. "Not sure yet, I was thinking something like d/n (dog name)." He smiled slightly and started scratching her head, making her tail wag. It's not like she was a puppy, but you had already forgotten what the adoption place called her.

     "What tricks does she know?" "Probably none, you can teach her some if you'd like, I need to borrow my dads car to go get some more dog food." You said while looking for the keys that seemingly vanished. When Connor noticed your struggle, he held his hand out which had the keys. You gave him a questioning look and grabbed them slowly. "He dropped them on the way inside." "Oh, well, I'll be back in a bit, be good you three." Motioning to Connor and the dogs.

~~~time skip with fun fact on: How to make me cry - play a movie where a dog dies.~~~

     After grabbing some high quality dog food, you were already back home, walking to the front door. You opened the door carefully, kind of expecting a mess, but instead you found Connor and d/n in the same spot that you left from. The only difference was that Hank was napping on the couch with a beer in hand.

     You set the bag onto the kitchen table, "uh, any new tricks?" Connor looked up at you. "Many, she's very intelligent. Although she doesn't seem to understand how to play dead." You made a fake gasp. "You of all people are struggling to teach a dog how to play dead?!?" "Well, yes, because I've never playe-...oh." You giggled softly.

     "Maybe she already knows it." You say, moving so you're in front of d/n, who was standing now. "She did already know how to sit, shake and lie down." (OMFG WHEN I PUT SHAKE IT CHANGED TO SHANK IM SO FUCKING DEAD RN LMAO) "Maybe she just learned a certain way...ok sooo play dead!" You commanded. Nothing. "Uh...die?" She tilted her head. "Unless..." you raised a hand up in the shape of a gun. Immediately you knew this was the trigger (hehe pun intended) by the way she lifted her front paw. "BANG!" You shouted, making he fall over dramatically.

     You started laughing hysterically. "Dad!" He was still sleeping on the couch, unfazed by the loud sounds you were making. "Lieutenant." Connor said. After no response he tapped his face a few times. "Hank, your daughter would like to speak to you." After no response again, he raised his hand. "If you slap me again I will rip your fucking arms off and beat you with them." Hank said tiredly.

     "Dad! Look what d/n could do!" When you turned around your jaw dropped. You could tell your dad could see what you could by his lack of words. Even Connor was silent, probably because everyone else was. Currently, Sumo was...mating...with d/n. "Uh...d-dad?" "What." "Sumo is...neutered, right?" "Is d/n spayed?" "...no?" "Ah fuck."

~extended ending bc YEET hehehe THIS BITCH EMPTY. YEEET.~

     "Y/n! Please help!" Connor cried. "No." "Please y/n!" "Nah I'm good." "Why won't they leave me alone!" "Because your a cute magnet. You attract cute things." Connor was freaking out about the now the 8 week old puppies kept attacking him with kisses and nibbles. "Is that why you're here then?" He asked. "What? That doesn't- ahh I saw what you did there you sneaky android." He smiled and looked at you. From the ground. With six puppies on top of him. "Hey! You two should kiss!" Hank drunkly yelled from the kitchen. (Haha I love ASDF)

Kinda short ik. But the entire time I was writing this I was like, "Aw shit my phones at 15%" a paragraph later "Uhhh 10%? Ughhh" a moment later "FUCKKK 5% NOOOOO" and rn in like "DONT YOU FUCKING DIE WHILE IM TYPING THIS YOU 1% FUCKER"

Also the next one should beeee




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