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\Sorry, what?/Smoooot\


A/N- Omfg I reread some of my shit and just realised that 'breathe' OMFG I HAD TO TYPE THAT FIVE TIMES. ANYWAY, it gets autocorrected to 'breath' OML KILL ME. I'm so done W I T H WTF IT AUTOCORRECTED TO EITHER LMAO IM DECEASED. MY PHONE IS TRIPPIN BALLS 😂 also every time I type 'love' it changes to 'wanna fuck'....my brother prob fucked up my phones autocorrect so I'll try and make sure that nothing is like, "hey babe I just wanted to say NO BITCH"....'Hi' changes to that btw. Wow that was a long a/n...oops....and nope, I have not revised this so have fun reading weird shit. AH FUCK I ALREADY POSTED THIS AND FORGOT TO SAY THAT WE PRETENDING THAT THE BOIS ALREADY HAVE DICKS IGHT LEAVE ME THE FUCK ALONE 😂

It was about an hour before you needed to be at work, and you were just now getting out of the shower. Your hair was up in a sloppy bun since you didn't feel like washing it. Letting out a large yawn, you lazily dry yourself off to prepare for another long day. You wrap your towel around you and open the door to your room, since your clothes were on your bed, but jumped when you noticed someone was sitting on your bed.

"Jeez Connor, you scared the shit outta me!" He eyed you up and down before standing, "Sorry, my mistake." You rolled your eyes and took the towel off, shivering when the cold air reached your skin. Placing your towel on your bed next to your clothes, you looked back at Connor, who's lips were slightly parted and eyes slightly wider. "Why are you looking at me like that? It's not like you haven't seen me naked before." You said before grabbing your underwear and sliding them on.

"I guess I'm just still not used to how beautiful you are." You grabbed your bra and started putting it on while squinting your eyes at him. "Are you alright?" You say slowly. "Why wouldn't I be?" He smiled softly. "You normally have trouble giving me a compliment that makes sense." You step towards him so your right in front of him looking him dead in the eye. (I'm not gonna say looking up at him since I'm 6' as well so deal with it)

"Well, I just...thought that I would try something new" you quirked a brow before smirking. "But I like it when your all submissive." You tease, "Also your eyes at a little...off...you sure your alright?" "I'm fine, it's just that when I look at someone I love it must have an effect on my eyes." Your eyes widened quickly before glaring at him. "Flattery only gets you so far. What do you want?" His hands went to your hips and pulled you closer, so you lazily wrapped your arms around his neck. "You."

You gave him a quick peck on the lips. "Sorry newly found dominant Connor, but, we have to go to work. We can do this later." Your hands move to his chest to push him away but his grip on your hips tighten. "I'd rather do this now l/n." He said before roughly kissing you. Your eyes widen before you push him away. As much as you love him, he definitely wasn't acting right.

"What's wrong with you?" You said, but it probably came out more harsh than you meant to, but you were genuinely concerned. Maybe he had a loose wire or something. "Sorry, I just thought that...um..." he looked down and you crossed your arms, "'um' what?" His LED turned red, which was rather odd for this situation. "...that...that we'd try something new." You cocked your head slightly to the side, "Did you die and not tell me? Not only are you acting different, you look a bit different as well." He gave you a weird smile and you sighed.

"I told you to tell me when that happens!" You shook your head and turned around to finish putting your clothes on, but he grabbed your wrist and pulled you back to his chest. "Connor, we need to get to work. I'm not sure when your shift starts, but mine starts in-" you looked at the clock, "-twenty four minutes." He smirked, "All I need is ten." He shrugged off his jacket before moving his hands to his tie. "Connor, no." You scolded. "Connor, yes." He said huskily.

Detroit : Become Human ~ Connor x Reader Oneshots//SmutWhere stories live. Discover now