~7 1/2?~

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A/N- Still dying of sickness and can't focus on anything so now that I'm slightly more awake, I'm just gonna do a smol AU thing bc i said so. Lmao the "PErMisSIon dENied" vine/meme had me deaddd not sure y I didn't put that smh but here's another short called "I'm still sick and slightly has writers block and Connor is my medicine" also I looked up what RK900s name to see if ppl finally agreed on one name but still nope...that and a lot of Russian stuff came up lol so Ima just call him 90 🤷‍♀️

     "90! Stop hitting Connor! And Connor! Stop throwing things at 90!" You scolded the two androids which Hank dropped off at your house saying 'fuck this shit I'm out' (haha...memes...) "Miss L/n, may I ask why he gets to be called Connor?" 90 asked fixing his jacket. "Because my name is Connor" Connor mumbled while crossing his arms and slightly pouting. You simply face palmed. "Can you two please play nice? For like five minutes? I just want a simple nap, that's all I ask for!"

     90 took a step towards you and brushed a strand of hair from your face, "Anything for you miss L/n" he said before getting shoved over by Connor, who stroked your cheek, "I'll try not to fight with this-" you quirked a brow "-I mean, my lovely...brother" he finished. You smiled, "thank you guys" you placed your hand over Connors and sighed before walking back to your room for a much needed nap, on a much needed day off.

     You quickly shot up from your bed when you heard something break. You then angrily threw the blanket off of you and stomped back to your living room silently cursing to yourself. "Oh you've got to be kidding." You looked down to see Connor on the floor, lying on his stomach with 90 casually sitting on his back, pining him down. The worst part was that your tv was smashed and your couch was upside down....across the room.

     "Ah, miss L/n, your up. How was your nap?" "No." 90s face washed of confusion, "What?" You shook your head. "Nope." Connor pushed 90 off of him and stood up, fixing his tie. "Fuck you both." Connor and 90 shared a look then 90 looked back at you, "this never would've happened if '80' had never been built, if I may say." "Well, '90', you never would've been built if I never have existed!" Connor yelled back.

     They were arguing with each other but got quiet when they heard a sob. You were crying with your hands covering your face. "...y/n?" Connor walked forward and placed a hand on your shoulder. "Please don't cry, I'm sorry" Connor said before pulling you into a hug. "Miss l/n, I'm sorry as well, is there anything we can do to make you...not...cry?" You lightly pushed Connor away, "anything?" You asked softly. "Anything" Connor replied.

     You immediately stood up straight and smiled at them. "You can start by cleaning my house and doing my list that's already on my fridge. And be. quiet." You walked back too your room and left them dumbfounded. "She played us, didn't she?" Connor said, "Not how I would've said it, but yes." A few moments of silence went by before Connor spoke again, "I call list." He said before dashing to the fridge, "Wait no, I call it!" "Too late! I said it first!"

Sry for it being bad, meds started kicking in after the first sentence. Explains y I'm so 'chill' as the kool kids say. I'll stop. Also, what do u guys call '90'? I've heard of Conan, Caleb, even Richard for some fucking reason which is funny as shit tbh.

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