But yesterday they pissed me off to the point were i had to be banned from adorkablemarinas STUPID DISCORD SERVER! EVERYONE THERE IS SO FUCKING FAKE AND I CANT TAKE IT! Im probably gonna put all my ok ko fics on hold.
In case your wandering why im so pissed, Heres some screenshots.
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Then instead of trying to work out our problems that bitch blocked me so I had no choice but to go to the vent chat, and Shes acting like I insulted her, at the fake ass leaders of the discord server told us to stop, and dm eachother when they cant take the fucking hint that enid, blocked me and that coward wouldn't unblock me so we could talk, which got us banned and I deleted the fucking app cause i cant take those selfish bitches anymore. So I am DONE with that wannabe fake ass fandom.