why I hate kendy (KO x dendy)

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I hate it because yes,it does reminds me of connivers, but thats not the only reason.

In the episode science fair 201X, when KO and dendy have to make a science fair project, dendy suggests unleashing tko, KO insists bit dendy is completely oblivious to his pain. And KO tries to convince dendy to think of something else, and later dendy does INSANE tests on ko, like shooting him with electricity, putting him in a tank FULL of (either pihrannas or sharks, I forgot) and making him fight with an angry monkey,

Yet people still ship them which really angers me because they say its a healthy relationship, im sorry Gem_God_Steven but EVEN conniverse is healthier then that

So as a result, I prefer KO x enid

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