Chapter 8

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I stood stunned, like I'd been hit with a taser. I thought about speaking, but my head was filled with so many thoughts, and I knew that I wouldn't be able to get them all out at once. Dad let the news sink in, and during that time, he simply stood still as a post.

"Who was she?" I asked, and I was surprised that he heard me, as my voice was barley a whisper.

'Her name was Emily Mills," he said quietly. "She was friends with Lauryn, and the police believe that it was just too much for her with Lauryn's death and all."

"How long has she been missing?" I asked, though I didn't want to know the answer.

"About six hours, that when her parents noticed that she was gone. They though she was with friends, so they didn't report her missing until her friends came over looking for her about an hour ago," we were both staring at the ground as he spoke these words, and I had no plans of looking up.

I parted my lips, with the intention of speaking, when my phone went wild with text messages and calls. Dad excused me by leaving first and I dashed to my room, to find out what everyone wanted with me, even though I already knew.

Everyone was asking if I knew what was happing, or filling me in. Toby had put me in a group chat with Ria, Kaitlynn, Liam, Jaxon and himself. I thought about removing myself, but decided against it. I didn't reply to any of their texts though.

On a separate chat was Makenzie, Vincent and I, that one was where I went first. I scrolled right past the messages for Cecei too.

"Did you guys hear what happened?" Makenzie texted and I could hear the anxiety in his voice.

"Yeah, my dad just told me," I replied.

"It's horrible, where do you think she went?" Vincent asked the question that we all wanted the answer to.

"The woods?" I suggested.

"Why though?" Makenzie replied almost too fast.

"That's where Lauryn went when she was missing, maybe Emily wanted to reconnect with her or something," I tried to reason, but I really had no idea either.

"That makes no sense, and yet complete sense at the same time," Makenzie said.

"It's a little crazy though isn't it?" Vincent spoke with a voice of reason.

"This is all a little crazy though when you really look at it," Makenzie spoke with slightly less reason than Vincent.

"Maybe its just crazy enough," I said and then left the chat to check on the others.

I was still a little angry at Cecei, but I was glad that she texted me. I still went to the other group first. One person could wait, but five would be a bit harder to hold off.

"So, you think she'll be murdered next, and be posed as a suicide?" ria texted, and I could sense that I had entered a hostile environment. Ria was very on again, off again about investigation these 'murders'.

"I feel like she might, but I hope not," Liam sent back. It was then I saw that while the others were most likely there, this was a conversation between Ria and Liam, and we were not to butt in.

I left, not needing the drama that willed its way into that group in my life. My thumb hovered above the conversation with Cecei, as I silently debated whether or not I wanted to enter an even more poisonous world.

"hey," I typed into the text box, and I knew that I had to send it, as she was probably watching me type.

"Why are you ignoring me?" she said, and I could sense the anger that pulsated through her.

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