Chapter 17

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Jaxon smiled brightly, his fiery red hair swishing across his face. In his hand he held a bundle of flowers which he extended towards me. Liam looked worn, and tired.

"Ah now everyone is here!" Toby exclaimed in a way on the totally insane could.

"Good to see you Elsabeth," Liam smiled evilly, and I knew then how it all worked out.

To Liam, Jaxon and Toby, their friendship extended beyond the normal barriers of society. It was clear why Toby was doing this, he had already explained it to me. I saw why Liam did it, it glistened in his eyes, and I had seen it before. He did it for the kill. Toby probably truly believed that the girls killed themselves, but why did Liam kill them. All I knew was that I could see murder in his eyes. Jaxon, seemed like the calmest and the craziest. He was charming, as they all were. I wondered if Ria knew what they had been up to, all those long trips to get more evidence, the times when they just up and left for no reason. I had never noticed it before, but now that I thought about it, it happened all the time.

Lunch was torture, they never physically hurt me, just mentally, it was like taking every single test in the world all at once. It felt like someone was taking a pitchfork to my thoughts. After lunch, Toby and Liam left, but Jaxon stayed. I thought I could find out why he was doing this, but I was playing a dangerous game, one which would ultimately cost me my life.

"So, what's in it for you?" I asked, while cleaning down the table.

"Pardon?" Jaxon replied looking up from a book.

"Well, I know why Toby's doing it, I can guess why Liam's doing it, but you, why you?"

"Why me what?"

"Kidnapping murder," I said, and he suddenly understood.

"Ah, yes Toby undying love for all the girls in the world. You know he was the shadow stalker, you probably saw him. He was also the shadow stalker to that girl that used to live in your house," he smiled to himself as if remembering something funny.

"And Liam, he does it just to kill?" I asked.

"Not quite. See Toby loves different people all the time, but Liam loves one person and one person only, Toby," he smiled even larger seeing the look on my face.

"So, he kills for Toby?" I asked, it was odd.

"Yes. See the girls never love him, and Liam thinks that Toby deserves better," Jaxon turned back to his book, and I thought about all the small side looks that Liam had given Toby. Everything had been so subtle that I couldn't realize it until it was all right in front of my face.

"What about you?" I asked. It made sense for Toby and Liam, but where did Jaxon fit in on it all.

"I do it because I like it, you like music, right?"

"Well, yeah but that's not the same thing."

"It's like apples and oranges, while they are different, they are also similar. Both are popular juices, fruits and commonly used examples for things like this," he smiled again.

"So, you're just a psychopath?" I asked. Charming, check. Manipulative, check. Emotionless, check.

"Huh, well I don't like labels, they're restricting, ya'know? But I guess technically speaking I am," he talked like only a crazy person could.

"What about Ria?" I asked, I wanted to know the answer, but didn't.

"What about her?" he seemed angry that I had asked.

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