Week 2 - Field Trip!

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"So, how did it go?"

Breakfast this morning was fairly basic; just the usuals sausages, bacon, tomatoes and eggs.

"Shiro? Answer the question please?"

Maybe he'd grab some toast later, he thought as he ripped the end off a small sachet of salt.

"Stop being a dick and ignoring us."

"Okay, fine!" He snapped, exasperated, as Pidge and Keith took their usual seats at the leaders table, "It was- It was fine, okay? Can I eat my breakfast now?"

A second later, Hunk appeared with his own tray, settling it on the table with a grin. "Morning everyone!" He said brightly, "Shiro, how was your date yesterday?"

"It was 'fine', apparently," Pidge replied for him, taking the ketchup bottle off the table next to them as she loaded up a bacon sandwich, "and that's all we're getting at the moment."

Shiro felt like slamming his head against the table.

Hunk paled next to him, shooting him an intensely worried look. "Oh man, was it not good? I've just seen Lance, and he looked happy as anything, but it's Lance, y'know?"

"No, no, it was great," Shiro finally said, resting his head on one hand, "it was really good, actually, we sat and drank cider and talked for three hours, happy?"

Pidge took an uninterested bite of her sandwich. "Romantic."

"So like, where's all this angst coming from?" Hunk asked with a quirked eyebrow, "shouldn't you be on cloud nine by now?"

"I am, I am-"

Hunk frowned. "You don't look it."

"I just-" Shiro stopped, snatching a breath, "I don't know how far it'll go."

"What do you mean?" Pidge asked through a mouthful of food.

"He's gonna' leave once this term is over, right-?"

"Maybe try actually talking to him?" Hunk offered, a smile finally returning to his face, "I think he'll have the answer to that."

Shiro frowned, choosing to pick at the cooling food in front of him rather than meet Hunk's eye. That was part of his problem; he hadn't seen Lance yet outside of fraught smiles across the canteen or full camp meetings. Sure, having archery first meant he met Lance earlier, but they had hardly talked since; they couldn't even text thanks to the lack of phone signal on the site, despite Shiro giving Lance his number.

Sure, it had been like fourteen hours since they parted ways, but Shiro was already preparing for the worst.

"God, you're hopeless," he heard Keith moan, "have you never heard of communication? And talking to people like a normal human being?"

Shiro rolled his eyes, finally cutting up a sausage with a passive aggressive glare. "Fine, I'll talk to him."

"Great! Can we fuckin' eat now-?"

"Good Morning everyone!"

Pidge looked to be seconds away from tossing her sandwich across the room.

"Morning Allura," Shiro said tiredly, filling in for the group around him who seemed to have fallen into an awkward silence, "you seem... awake."

He cringed at his own awkwardness, but Allura just smiled as she set her tray down at the end of the table. "I'm rested," she replied, one hand moving to scratch at her face before finding her knife and fork on the tray.

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