5th - Week 3 - Paint run

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Two days later, Shiro wasn't feeling too hopeful.

Camp had ended on the Monday with barely any fuss, kids leaving in flocks as parents and school buses arrived to take them home. Shiro stood for about three hours that day, waving off kids and accepting the small donations of sweets and hugs from the ones that had particularly enjoyed themselves.

It had been an exhausting weekend, but one he didn't regret; he'd met Lance, spent time with his friends, actually earned some money. All in all, it seemed okay.

He left the camp that Monday night with a smile playing on his face, waving to Keith out the window of his car as he finally drove away from the car park. Leader beds were decent, a standard that was a little better than what the campers had to deal with, but his back was thankful for the mere thoughts of his own bed back at his flat.

It's not like they'd be gone very long either; they all had to be back by Sunday to start preparing for next Monday's camp, so he'd only go a week at most alone. And anyway, Keith lived a block away, and he'd hosted his end-of-Camp party again - a codename for the five leaders watching disney movies in the cinema room that he somehow snagged with his new flat.

So, Shiro had only been alone for a little while, then.

He glared at his phone for what felt like the millionth time that day.

No new messages.

It was Wednesday, and Lance still hadn't called him, despite saying he would.
He'd call Lance himself if he could, but Lance had his number, not the other way around

Maybe he had just forgotten?
It wasn't outside the realm of possibility; Lance seemed like a busy guy, probably one with a lot of friends and house parties every other day. He'd probably been sipping between buddies making up for the weekend he missed. Altea City did have a lot of clubs after all, he'd probably got caught up there.

Or he went to go visit his family? He did mention a large family in the next state over - not the furthest distance in the world but still quite a road trip. He'd be over there for a couple of days at least, so there was no way Shiro could see him until he got back.

Or he just decided against it.
It wouldn't be the first time Shiro was let down, and it probably wouldn't be the last.

He settled into his couch with a sigh, pulling up Netflix on his laptop.

Maybe there would be something interesting on this time.


[7:30am] Unknown:
Do you know what a paint run is?

Well, this was new. Shiro had experienced his fair share of weird text messages, but this was one of the most confusing. It may be related to how it woke him up on a Thursday morning, but still.

[7:32am] Shiro:
I am familiar with the concept. Who is this?

[7:32am] Unknown:
O darn! It's Lancey Lance :3 this is the camp leader of my dreams right?

[7:33am] Lancey Lance:
And by that I mean Shiro soz :D

A warmth shot through Shiro's chest, unbridled and affectionate at Lance's text. Of course Lance would call him something cheesy like that, he didn't really know what he expected.

[7:33am] Shiro;
You're correct, hotshot, what can I do for you?

[7:34am] Shiro:
I believe you said something about a paint run

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