12th - Week 4 - summer storms

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Hopefully Lance didn't mind getting paint in his car.

"That was fantastic," Shiro sighed, running a hand through powder-coated hair as he practically collapsed into the passenger seat, "thank you Lance, seriously."

Lance shot him a flirty grin, frowning briefly to slam the door before turning to Shiro once again. "What was? The paint run or kissing me-?"

"Both," he replied quickly, clicking his seatbelt in and looking up at Lance next to him, "but emphasis on the latter."

Instantly, Lance blushed gorgeously, hands gripping the steering wheel. "Hey, wow, thanks," he stuttered, fiddling with the key in the ignition, "I mean, kissing you wasn't the point of today but, like, it was fantastic? Like, woah, thank you, I mean-"

"Lance." Shiro leaned over, placing one hand on top of his on the steering wheel gently. "I loved it, you don't need to ramble."

Lance nodded once, moving his free hand to sandwich Shiro's. "I- I had fun too."

The car park was quiet, practically empty. They had been a few of the last to leave the clearing once the DJ called the end of the event, once the sun had passed overhead and Shiro's stomach was starting to rumble from missing lunch. It had gone four in the afternoon by the time they stumbled back to the car; they'd lost track of time in the blur of colours and people. They'd sung until their throats were hoarse, kissed until Shiro was pretty sure their lips were incredibly swollen.

All in all, it had been the perfect day.

The car itself was quiet - him and Lance were comfortably close, and part of him was screaming to squeeze Lance's hand and ask to kiss him again-

"So, what did you have planned next?" Shiro asked, quickly placing his head against against the headrest as his stomach protested again, "I hope you don't mind me saying that I'm rather hungry."

"I was hoping you'd say that," Lance replied, wide eyes being replaced by a grinning, knowing look, "I was thinking, right - how does takeaway and a picnic on the cliffs sound to you?"

Shiro grinned, relaxing into his seat. "Sounds perfect."

"I hope you like it," Lance started, firing up the engine and manoeuvring the car out of the parking field, "I know a really good joint on the road up - it's a little place, but they do the best burgers, better than any chain I've ever been to."

"Really?" Shiro said with a hum, folding his hands in his lap, "I'm looking forward to it - it must be good if it has your seal of approval."

Lance flushed, shooting him a sideways grin as he lifted one hand off the steering wheel to scratch his face. "You might recognise the sous chef as well, but I don't know if he's working today," he continued, eliciting a hum of interest from Shiro, "I'll pull his arm, get Shay to make the secret menu for us."

"Well, if it's secret, it must be good," Shiro mused as they turned back into the main road, but a sudden rumble from his stomach cut him off.

He looked over to see Lance laughing gently. "I'll drive fast Shiro, control your stomach," he replied playfully, and Shiro pouted as he put one hand on his stomach protectively.

"You say that as if I can control this," Shiro grumbled as his stomach rumbled in harmony, "rude."

Laughing again, Lance settled back into his seat, hands drumming to an imaginary beat as he followed signs to the cliff road. It was a gentle sight, of Lance drumming and humming to whatever music was in his head; it was probably some crap pop tune they had heard at the paint rave, but when he sang them, it changed Shiro's perspective of music completely. It was now a soft tune rather than loud and abrasive, something he'd listen to willingly rather than being forced to by whatever radio he was listening to at the time.

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