26th - Week 6 - night time swimming

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[12:35] Lancey <3:
Hey, can you talk?

[12:35] Lancey <3:
It's not bad, I promise!!!!! :3

Shiro frowned, picking his phone up from where he had lain it on his desk. He wasn't technically busy - sure, Iverson wanted these trajectories done by Friday, but he was well ahead of schedule.

It was weird to be back at the Galaxy Garrison after what felt like simultaneously the longest and shortest summer ever; Lance had stuck with him, even through into the harsh winter months that blanketed Altea in snow and ice. He probably spent more time in Lance's flat, curled up on his old comfortable couch with hot chocolate and classic movies, than he did in his own over November into February. Went they weren't able to see each other, Shiro was sure to call, or at least text whenever he could.

To be honest, he was amazed they lasted this long.

He unlocked the phone, tapping onto Lance's contact and selecting call.

"Hey, hot stuff!" Came the almost immediate reply, and Shiro leaned back in his chair as a smile spread across his face, "how're you?"

"Same old," he answered easily, running one metal hand through this hair and looking down at the mass of papers and calculations in front of him, "work's exhausting, but what's new?"
He laughed, hearing Lance's familiar chuckle hum through the speaker. "What about you?"

"Decent!" Lance cheerily replied, and Shiro could practically hear the smile through his voice, "we've just got a research grant come through, Plax's giving me a trip out to the coral reef in in a month."

Shiro grinned, leaning forward onto his arms. "That's awesome!" He cheered, and heard a responding hum of pride, "when do you leave?"

"Well, that's the thing," Lance started, and Shiro felt the wide grin replaced by a curious frown at the suspense, "it's June - next month - in a few weeks in fact-"

"I won't mind, y'know," Shiro said with a raised eyebrow, "we've got a while until the camps this year, and I can survive a week without you."

Lance hummed again, but this time with a hint of hesitation. "No, listen," He said with a sigh, "I wanna' know if you want to come."

"I- Sorry, what?"

"Plax is willing to pay board and flights for us both rather than just for me if I worked for free," he explained, "I'd only have to work one day whilst we're there, leaving six days for us to chill on the beach - like, y'know, a holiday!"

So six days, alone with Lance in a fancy beach resort, swimming around in huge coral reefs, for free?

It almost sounded too good to be true.

"Wait, you're working for free?" Shiro asked gently, and he hears Lance sigh again.

"Well, yeah," he confirmed, and Shiro frowned, "but I'd only spend it on shit anyway, and you deserve a holiday the most out of all of us."

It was then that Shiro felt a blush settle over his face - why did Lance have to be so damn thoughtful?

"I'd- I'd love to," he answered, and grinned as soon as Lance's responding cheer echoed through the receiver, "thank you - and thank your boss!"


A month seemed to fly by.

Before Shiro knew it, he was stuffing light, summery clothes in a suitcase and driving down to the local airport to catch a plane to a swanky resort.

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