3 (Mark and Thor)

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"Come, older son of Walker! Let us go outside! I would like to see your battle techniques!" Thor boomed as he left with Mark.

Mark rubbed his ears.
"Dang dude, one, why are you so loud!? Two, i don't battle it's just a little bit of martial arts, and three, what's with the whole 'older son of Walker' thing?" Mark asked.

Thor looked at him and laughed.
"It is how is Gods speak! And I will teach you battle older son of Walker!"

Mark stopped.
"Wait you're a-a god!?"
"Yes! I am Thor Odinson, God of Thunder!", Thor replied.

Mark was completely shocked. A god wanted to fight him!? He couldn't just let this opportunity go.

"So when do we start fighting?" Mark asked with a smile.
Thor chuckled and replied, "right now older son of Walker!"

Thor charged at Mark, obviously not using all of his strength. He didn't want to hurt Mark. After all, it was god vs child. Thor didn't use Mjolnir, as it would give him an unfair advantage. He tried to throw a punch, but he was big, and slower than Mark, so Mark easily dodged it.

Mark ran behind Thor and before he could turn around, kicked him in the back and made him stumble a bit.
Thor laughed and Mark laughed.
"You have some skill older son of Walker!" Thor chuckled, "but not as much as I!"
Thor took advantage of Mark being distracted and lifted him up into the air, like he was a feather.

"Hey c'mon man put me down!" Mark yelled.
"Hahahaha. If you say so." Thor shrugged.
Mark's eyes widened as he knew what he had just asked for. Thor dropped him onto the ground and he landed with a thud.
They both laughed when Thor helped Mark to his feet.

"Okay, you win. But to be fair, you are a literal god." Mark pointed out.
"Haha. You have some good techniques older son of Walker. Where did you learn?" Thor asked.
"Well my mom put me in karate classes ever since I was three." Mark explained.
"Ka-rea-ta?" Thor said confused.
"Oh! Karate! It's like a type of fighting sport." Mark explained.
"Oh I understand! We do not have kareata back in Asgard." Thor said.
"Asgard?" Mark questioned.
"Yes! Asgard is my home realm!" Thor explained.
Mark stared at him blankly.
"Well, there are 9 realms in the cosmos. Yours is called Midgard, or Earth. My realm is called Asgard and their are seven more than exist as well." Thor explained.
"Oh okay. That's actually pretty cool! Harris would love that sort of thing." Mark said.

They chatted some more about battle, when the topic of family came up.
"So Thor, do you have any siblings?" Mark asked.
Thor nodded his head.
"Yes, I have a younger adopted brother named Loki."
"Woah that's so cool! Ryan is my adopted younger brother!" Mark chuckled.
"Looks like we have quite a bit in common, although I bet your brother has never tried to kill you before." Thor said.
"Actually... he has." Mark said rubbing the back of his neck.
"Wait what!?" Thor boomed.
"Yea... he went a little crazy on a mission to the arctic and he thought I was the villain so he tried to kill me...." Mark explained.
"Ah yes. I remember youngest son of Walker explaining that when we were inside the robot." Thor nodded.
"Why did your brother try and kill you?" Mark asked.
"Well my brother, he is the God of Mischief, so he went through a dark time and turned a little evil so he tried to destroy all of New York and me in the process. He is better now though." Thor explained.
"Wow Thor. We have a lot in common surprisingly." Mark noticed.
"Haha! That is true older son of Walker!" Thor boomed as he laughed.

"I wonder if the little dingus is some yet." Mark said mostly to himself.
"What is a dingus?" Thor asked.
"Oh! It's my favourite name to call my little brother and his friends. It's kind of like a jokingly way to make fun of them. It's not mean." Mark explained.
"Haha! I will call the Man of Iron this from now on!" Thor laughed. Mark laughed as well.

They both laughed for awhile.
"Shall we go inside and join youngest son of Walker and the Captain?" Thor asked.
"Yea, sounds good buddy." Mark replied.

The two went back into the robot with Thor's arm around Marks shoulder as they
belly-laughed at how crazy it was that a mere teenager and a literal God from another universe had so much in common.

Okay! This is actually a really fun chapter! Who knew Mark and Thor had soooo much in common!? Anyways thanks for reading and I'll hopefully have the next chapter up soon!

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