4 (Veracity and Natasha)

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Veracity and Natasha went and sat down on the sofas of the X-deck. They talked for a bit about their lives, and other things, but when V told Nat she was a recent addition to the team, Nat couldn't help but ask this,
"Wait so they call themselves Mech-X4, for 4 people, but their are five of you?"
"Yea I wasn't really supposed to be on the team." V said.
"Explain." Nat said.
"Well, it was originally the four guys, then one day, Harris got injured on a mission and he came to me to fill his place until he healed. When he did, I just stuck around I guess." She explained.
"Okay so out of everyone in this city, this Harris guy chose you." Nat said with a grin.
"Yes... and?" V said confused.

Nat burst out into laughter.
"Haha this guy sooooo likes you!"
V was shocked by the childish attitude being given off from the Black Widow, deadly assassin who could kill someone with the flick of her hair.
"Umm no he doesn't." V said.
"Well why else would he choose you out of anyone else!?" Nat asked.
Then V began to laugh.
"Because I'm the only person other than the guys that he actually communicates with!"

They both burst out into laughter. 
"Wait so do you like anyone then?" Nat asked.
V began to blush.
"Ooh! Veracity has a cruuuush!" Nat teased.

She was really letting her fun and girly side show. She's never had another girl to be around with the avengers other than Wanda, who just spent all her time with Vision.

"C'mon, who is it!?" Nat asked.
"ImayormaynothaveatinyweinielittlebabycrushonSpyder..." V said quietly.
"What was that?" Nat said laughing.
"I have a crush on Spyder!" V said more clearly.
"The weapons kid? Yea he's cute." Nat said approvingly.
V rolled her eyes.

"Okay, who do you like then?" V asked.
"I don't like anyone." Nat shrugged. She was lying.
"Yea right. What about that guy with the arrows that you are always around." V said.
"Clint!?" Nat burst into laughter and almost fell off the couch.
"What?" V asked.
"Clint is my best friend and nothing more! He's married for goodness sakes!" Nat laughed.
"Oh!" V chuckled.

V then began to go down the list of avengers that Nat could like.
"V he's 16."
"Oh right."
"Eww no!"
"Captain America?"
"No, but we're closer than the others."
"Hulk / Bruce Banner?"
"Oh my god! Nat you like Bruce Banner!" V all but screamed out.
"Shh! The whole universe is gonna hear you!" Nat said.
"Haha sorry. I just find that adorable." V gushed.
"Whatever." Nat playfully rolled her eyes.
"Why don't I teach you some basic hand to hand combat?" Nat suggested.
"That would be awesome!" V said.

The two practiced some basic fighting techniques for awhile until V had them down pat. Her and Nat had a small sparring session, with Nat as the obvious winner, but V learned a lot from her, maybe even enough to give Mark a run for his money.

"Well, should we join the others now?" Nat asked as they finished up some water.
"Yea sounds good!" V replied.

Hi! I'm sorry this sucks and is super short! And I'm also sorry that I haven't updated in awhile. I'm actually on vacation and haven't found the time to write anything good. Anyways thx for reading and I'll hopefully update soon!

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