6 (Spyder and Peter)

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Spyder and Peter were sitting at a picnic table somewhere outside of the base talking.
"What's it like having spider powers?" Spyder asked.
"It's so cool! Mr. Stark made me my suit and I have my best friend Ned who is like my guy in the chair." Peter explained.
"That's awesome dude! See my name is Spyder, but like that would be cooler if I actually had spider powers." Spyder said.
"I still think the name Spyder is cool, with or without powers." Peter said.

"So what's it like operating the weapons of a giant robot!?" Peter asked happily.
"I mean it's super awesome and I love making things explode, but like... it's also kinda scary cause one time I blew up our school and if i mess up, then Ryan gets hurt..." Spyder said.
"Hey Spyder, it's okay. You're human, you make mistakes, heck I'm only half human and I still screw up all. The. Time." Peter chuckled.
"Yea thanks Pete. Anyways wanna see my missiles!?" Spyder smiled.
Peter jumped up. "Oh you know I do!"

The two teens ran off and into the robot where Spyder took him to his station.
"So these are the buttons that make things go boom." Spyder explained.
"And these are the ones that make things go bam." He continued.
"And finally, this is the one that makes a big red laser beam come out of Ryan's chest." He finished.

Peter was a very intelligent kid. He had a higher IQ than most kids at his school, but Spyder seemed so happy to get to talk to him about all his weapons, so even though he'd be able to figure out what each one does, he let Spyder have his moment.

"Woah dude that's so cool!" Peter gushed and he put his hands down on the desk to get a closer look.
"Wait, why is the desk sticky?" He asked.
Spyder just laughed and ignored the question.

"Anyways this is where I spend most of my time." Spyder smiled.
"Sounds awesome." Peter nodded.
"Anyways, what do you do as Spider-Man?" Spyder asked.
"Well most nights, I go out on patrol and I stop normal things like muggings, hijackings, robberies and stuff like that." Peter explained.
"Woah that's so cool! Have you ever been shot?!" Spyder asked.
"Yea I got shot once, it wasn't too bad though, just a graze." Peter shrugged.

Spyder gaped. "Woah Pete that's awesome,"
Peter laughed.
"You think that's cool, one time I was fighting off some alien tech wielding guy, and he dropped a building on top of me. And then when I got out, I stopped him from hijacking a plane by crashing it."

Spyder's mouth dropped open so far it almost hit the floor.
"Oh. My. God. Peter." Spyder said.
Peter laughed.
"And you're okay!? Alive!?" Spyder panicked.
"Yea I'm good. I was a little freaked out after but now that the vulture is in prison, I'm fine." Peter shrugged.

"Woah Peter you're so cool." Spyder smiled.
"You mean Spiderman is cool." Peter corrected. 
"No! You're cool! Peter Parker is cool! You work with Tony Stark, you're super smart, and yes you do have a secret identity of being Spiderman, but you, as Peter Parker, know all the avengers and got the gift of a lifetime!" Spyder exclaimed.
"Thanks Spyder..." Peter smiled.
"No problem Pete." Spyder smiled.
"We should get back now." Peter said.
"You're right, lets go!" Spyder jumped.

Umm 2 bad chapters in one day!? 😂 who woulda thought I was capable of this? Anyways lol thx for reading and maybe I'll update three bad chapters today!

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