5 (Harris and Tony)

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Harris and Tony were inside the robot, at Harris' station. Tony was closely inspecting the technology as Harris explained to him what each piece did.

As arrogant as Tony Stark was known to be, he seemed genuinely interested in what the young genius had to say. He would never admit it, but this technology was something he never even thought could have existed, and he had a piece of futuristic technology keeping him alive.

"So, Mr.Stark-"
"Okay, So, Tony, basically whenever the robot is being attacked by the monster, I see it's target area on this scanner and then I focus the shields to that area by pressing on this screen." Harris explained while gesturing to each piece of equipment as he talked.

Tony brushed his hands over each piece of equipment.
"Wow kid, this is really something." Tony nodded.
"T-thanks Tony." Harris blushed. He had never wanted to admit it, but ever since he found out his previous hero was an evil psychopath, Tony Stark had become his new role model.

"Maybe I'll get to see these in action sometime?" Tony chuckled.
"Probably, Seth never gives us a break." Harris sighed.
"You know maybe having the avengers talk some sense into this guy would help you guys out." Tony suggested.
"No! The monsters would crush you. They're too big..." Harris said sadly.
Tony nodded in agreement.

"What about your pilot. Ryan?" Tony asked.
"Yea, what about him?" Harris asked.
"Well I mean, how does he do it. You know take on giant monsters." Tony asked.
"Well, Ryan may have the power, but you need 4 to operate Mech-X4. And Ryan does have it tough since whenever the robot gets hurt, he gets hurt." Harris explained.

"That's just like the avengers! We all are strong on our own, but when put together, we can defeat anything, (except for a giant purple space grape...), just like how when you guys are on your own you have skills, but together you power a huge robot! Like a junior mechanical avenger team." Tony smiled.

"Haha thanks Tony." Harris chuckled.
"No problem kid, now why don't you help me with something I've been working on." Tony suggested.
"I'd love to!" Harris replied.

The two moved over into Harris' lab where Tony brought out one of his arc reactor models.
"Woah is that-"
"My old arc reactor, yup." Tony said proudly.
"This is the thing that used to keep you alive!?" Harris fanboyed.
"Sure is kid, and I want to give you the honour of being able to explore this fantastic piece of technology." Tony said.
"Thank you so much Tony!" Harris said.

Harris grabbed his tools and Tony sat and watched the young genius work to explore every piece of the arc reactor.
"Wow, this is amazing." Harris said once he finished and put the reactor back together.
Harris now understood every part of the arc reactor.

Tony walked over and spoke to Harris.
"You know kid, we should probably get back to the group now, but first I'd like to let you know that when you graduate high school, or if you ever move to New York, Stark Industries will have a spot open for you." He smiled.
"Wow Tony that is amazing thank you so much!" Harris jumped.
"Haha no problem kid, let's go." Tony said as he wrapped an arm around Harris' shoulder and they walked out.

Wow okay. I updated 😅 that's something I haven't done in awhile. Anyways I just wanted to say thx for reading and I will probably update very soon cause like it's summer and I'm bored.

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