8 (Monster Attack)

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The alarms were blaring as soon as everyone was reunited on the main deck.
"What is that?!" Peter yelled.
"Monster attack!" Spyder replied.

The alarm stopped once Harris deactivated it from his station. He looked down at his mech link to see which monster it is.
"Guys..." he said with wide eyes.
"What is it Harris?" Mark asked.
"The monster... it's clawboon." Harris replied.

Spyder sighed and ran over to the weapons desk and sat down. Ryan looked worried. Mark noticed this.
"Ry, it's gonna be fine okay." He said.
"Don't worry youngest son of Walker, we all know you can do this!" This boomed.
"You got this kid." Tony smiled.
Natasha and Peter gave him encouraging nods and thumbs up.
"Ryan, go kick that monsters butt." Steve smiled.

Ryan smiled and ran over to the platform where he harnessed himself in.
"You guys might wanna strap down somehow." Ryan said to the avengers.
"Don't worry I got it." Peter said and he webbed their feet down to the ground.

Ryan nodded and looked back at the heroes behind him before turning back around and saying his famous line.
"Mech Execute!"

The robot shot out of the ferry and flew to the monster's location. When they touched land they saw a growling crab-baboon monster with sharp claws that could tear through anything, and strong arms that could crush them easily.

Everyone stared at the monster in silence before Ryan spoke up.
"Alright let's do this! Spyder, light him up!" Ryan said.
Spyder nodded and pressed all the buttons on his panel.

The missiles rammed into the monster but he defended himself with his shielded arms and was overall unaffected by the weapons.

The monster charged at the robot and Ryan was pinned in a struggle between the two. The monster got the upper hand and used one of its claw arms to jab Ryan in the side.
"Aghh!" Ryan yelled.

The Avengers looked shocked. This kid was getting beat up badly, but he was still going.
"Ryan are you okay?" Veracity and Natasha yelled.

Ryan wheezed and held his side as he stood up. He nodded.
"Yea... Harris what's the status on shields?" Ryan asked.
"Shields got knocked out. I've got nothing left Ryan." Harris said.
"Crap..." Ryan said.

"Ryan..." Spyder started.
"Yea?" Ryan said back.
"Weapons are offline, they must have gotten damaged when we took the fall." Spyder replied.
"Mark, Veracity, is there any way to fix this?" Ryan asked pleadingly.
"Sorry bro, this'll take hours to fix." Mark replied.

Ryan hung his head in defeat, and looked over at the room full of heroes. They all kept encouraging him to go on, but he had nothing left. Just when he thought it couldn't get any worse, a laughing Seth came onto the screen. Thankfully he couldn't see the avengers.

"Do you give up yet Ryan? Surrender yourself to me and I won't hurt your pathetic friends or your brother." Seth laughed.
"I will never surrender to you!" Ryan shot back.
"Ryan, all your systems are down, don't you think it's time to play hero and sacrifice yourself for them?" Seth said.

Ryan hesitated before answering. Should he give himself up? He had a robot full of heroes that he didn't want to die. But then he got an idea.

"I will never surrender to you Seth!" Ryan yelled.
"Fine. Have it your way then." Seth smiled evilly and hung up the transmission.

"Guys, I have a plan but I don't have time to explain it ." Ryan said looking back at everyone.
"We're behind you Ryan, you got this!" Steve smiled.
The others nodded and Ryan looked at Mark who smiled and said, "be careful Ry."

Ryan set his plan into motion and got the monster engaged towards him. He dodged a few attacks, then the monster picked up a tree and threw it at him. Ryan smiled and caught the tree, then snapped it in half to make a very sharp end.

The monster looked confused, and Ryan took this moment of hesitation and plunged the tree deep into the monsters heart. The monster looked like it was about to explode, but before it did, it managed to claw right across the robots face, and since there were no shields, that hurt Ryan, a lot.

The monster exploded just as Ryan collapsed.
"Ryan!" Mark shouted as he ran down to his brother.
Harris engaged the autopilot back to base and everyone in the robot ran to surround Ryan.

The looked down at the unconscious teen and saw that his face was all bloodied from the attack. He had a long gash running across his face.

"Oh god kid..." Tony said when he saw the boy.
"V, Peter and Tony, can you go set up the med bay?" Mark asked.
The three nodded and took off.
"Thor, Steve, can you carry him there." Mark asked.
The two nodded and picked up the boy.
Harris ran to scan Ryan when they set him down on the bed.

"Okay so that gash is fairly deep, but he should be okay and will wake up soon." Harris read from the scan.
The group let out a sigh of relief.

When Ryan began to awaken, he was met with the smiling heroes in front of him. They all saw up and laughed with one another about how happy they were that they pulled off a win.


The heroes and the mechx4 crew spent the rest of the day together before the avengers needed to leave to go back to New York.

They all said their goodbyes before they all took off in their Quin Jet. It was a good day for the crew of mechx4 and they were all happy to have gotten to spend a fun and action filled day with the avengers.

Wow okay so that is the end of this book! I cannot believe it's finished and I really hope you all enjoyed it! Thanks for reading!

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