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some of y'all are probably going to hate me because of this but still i need to vent about these little demons. 

not once in my ENTIRE life have i ever met a 'nice' pony; not once (& sadly i know a lot of ponies)

i am pretty sure ponies are evil and don't give a shit about anything else but world domination. 

have you heard the saying; "the smaller the horse the closer to hell"? because that is the motto; TSTHTCTH <this should be the new yolo... #support. 

legit though it is 10000% truth. 

ponies are too sassy 

too stubborn 

and too evil

i was at a show once watching before my round and i kid you not a pony in the warm up ring bucked off their nine year old rider, jumped the fence INTO the actually ring while someone was doing their course and you know why the pony did this...

probs because he was like; *shrug* i'm a pony, bitch i am too fab, bye. 

at my stable we have like six of these hell spawn and everytime i get near one it bites my ass; even if i am casually walking by. 

some of you might be like; "no ponies are special little angels" 

nooooooooooooooo, they're playing you... it's a trap. they want you to think that so you'll ride them then 

BAAM! you end up face first in the arena sand. 

they are smart, they are selfaware and they will take over the world. 

if i ever own a stable in the future i will never EVER buy a pony

and if my children ask for one i am going to laugh in their faces and say no. 

i don't trust them and you shouldn't either. 


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