Riding Rants!

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"Love the sport; hate the players...usually" 

So recently I had an urge; an urge to completely vent and scream about the riding world (perticularly the English riding side of it) and everything I HATE in it. 

So naturally I looked on Wattpad and you know what; I found NOTHING about it! *Gasp*

So I got this brilliant idea of creating my own rant book about everything I HATE about riding. 

But first before you freak out and go; "OMG! U h8 riding, u must die" please let me explain! 

I am a rider and have been since I was six and let me tell you I ABSOLUTELY adore the sport and cannot live a day without my horse buddy AND since I have been involved with horses and some of the annoying people who own them so long I feel like this rant book something every rider can relate on.

Come on riders you gotta admit there are somethings that bother you about the riding world; i.e coaches, shows, 'barn brats, etc. 

Before we continue I must warn you. This book will probably be filled with a few swears (opps) and is aimed more towards the English riding side of the industry (sorry western lovers). 

So if you're interested come along with me on my little rant book about everything I cannot stand about the riding world. 

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