WARM UP RINGS (jesus take the reins)

528 37 24


this is going to get me fired up!!

can we just wrap for a minute (freaks & geeks ref c;) about warm up ringggss???

wait stratch that WAR ZONES

why in god's wonderful name is the warm  up ring so fricken messed up?

walking through the gate is like walking into the hunger games; 

ppl straight up doing the tribute salut as you ride past

like; "be safe young child for the odd's are not in your favor"

you try to take like one mili-step to the left and KABAAMM your left arm is gone, your horse is dead and you've put a pony kid in the hospital.

ppl are jumping errywhere

ppl are smashing into you 

and ponies are like underneath you

it's. madness.

ppl be talking like; "omg football sucks try jumping or falling off a moving animal." 

when really it should be like; "omg football sucks try SURVIVING the warm-up ring." 

then there is the trainer's SCREEAAMMMING like it ain't nobodies business;

you're gonna need earmuffs to protect your ears 

+ don't worry you won't need to hear other ppl in the ring 


"LIKE OMFG you didn't see me heading for that corner?!???1//11 BEEECCKKKY CAN YOUUU BELIEVE THIS THOT is nOT watching ME 25/8?"??????" 

....no sorry Ashley but I was not....


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