Chapter 8. A Heart Full of Love

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A/N. I know all of this stuff is out of order, but it's a fanfiction, so bare with me! Anyway, as you can tell from the title, it's A Heart Full Of Love. Hope you enjoy!\\\\

Ever since Éponine left Enjolras's, She has been searching for that stupid, bourgeois girl. It couldn't be that hard to find someone who had what seemed like the  most vibrant, blonde hair. She wandered to Rue Plummet, a small street that had houses that all looked the same.

"Come, Cosette!" A firm voice said. Éponine recognized it and scowled. It was the man who took Cosette away and brought her the doll. Why couldn't he have taken her away? Yes, she wasn't the best to Cosette, but- no she deserves the fate god gave her. She was a cruel and spoiled brat. She doesn't deserve Marius. She doesn't deserve to see her brother. She doesn't deserve a friend with benefits. Éponine shook her negative thoughts about herself away, and tried to focus on the task at hand. And then she saw her.

Cosette was wearing a blue dress. All of the colors mixed, giving Éponine a headache. A little chain with a heart charm graced her neck. There was no sign of grime or sadness on her. Her blonde hair was clear and vibrant. It was pulled back into some elaborate hair style that Éponine would never understand. Her jealously was only rising. Cosette got everything. A nice father, a nice life, nice clothes, and Marius's love.

She found their address. Marius will be overjoyed when she tells him. Maybe he will realize that he has an undying love for her and they will live happily ever after. Marius will be happy, and she will be taken away from her father's horrid world. But... she would only be friends with Enjorlas. What are you thinking Éponine! You are friends with Enjolras! With some benefits.. she thought.

She hated this. Her heart belonged to Marius and Marius alone. Enjorlas was just a friend. She barley even knew him, they just tell each other stuff like growing friends. Éponine didn't even realize she was waking towards the café. Marius must be at a meeting now.

And so would Enjorlas.


  "The General is close to death! His death can be our sign!" Enjorlas argued.

"You want to use someone's death as a device to start a rebellion? Do not know how stupid that is! It will look like we have no respect for him!" Combeferre shouted.

  "Maybe his funeral? Not his actually death date? All of Paris will be mourning. All of Paris will be there."Courfeyrac suggested.


"But we need to rally! We need to get Paris ready for the coming rebellion!" Enjorlas said.

"And what? Give the National Guard the identities of the people they are looking for for disrespecting the king?"Combeferre responded.

"Marius!" Joly said, nudging his friend. "Thinking of the ghost of the girl again?" Marius nodded.

  "What if I never see her again?"

  "Marius! We have a serious matter at hand. We need all the help we can get!" Enjorlas said, frustrated. They didn't have time for distractions and for girls.

What about Éponine?

Enjorlas scolded the voice in his head, the voice that was called emotions. The voice soon became a whisper and then nothing at all. Marius sighed. "But-"

"Monsieur?" Éponine asked, ascending from the stairs. God she was beautiful. Enjorlas smiled to himself as he remembered last night's events. He began to hum the lullaby to himself. Marius's eyes lit up. Maybe he finally realized that he loved Éponine.

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