Ch 15. Look, this became Spring Awakening!

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One Month Later.....

"Joly? How is the general?" Combeferre asked, organizing the gun powder they gathered. Enjolras had the guns and was putting them in the hidden cellular of the Café.

"Not good! My father says that with each day is death is nearing. He began coughing up much more blood and his temperature is either burning hot or ice cold." Les Amis groaned as the men went around the Café, organizing the new supplies they found over the weekend.

  The Café was full of energy. It was May, and if the general's death is in June, they had limited time. People chattered over battle plans or updates with their mistresses and their plans for the future after the barricade. Everyone believed that they would win the battle. Little they know, little they see.

Enjolras came back up the stairs, running his hand through his hair. "We have enough guns for a hundred men, but do we have enough ammunition?"

"We have enough gun powder for a hundred guns, if it stays dry."

"Enough musket balls for only fifty though."

"How will we get more?" Feuilly asked, helping Musichetta sew the flag, due to his experience whenever he made fans.

"My Uncle was in the National Guard a long time back...."

"If I can go through some of my father's old stuff, I may be able to find something!" Marius added. Everyone was surprised at Marius's new found dedication to the cause. He was much more focused, and everyone believed Cosette convinced him to work harder.

  Speaking of Cosette, she helped Musichetta with the flag as well. She came to a few meetings, and tried to help as much as she could. A strand of hair fell out of her braid as she kept on sewing. Sweat lined her hair line as her silver needle stood out against the blood red flag. "My Father has some musket balls, he keeps them in case of emergencies, but has more than enough. Whenever we moved place to place, he always collected more." Marius beamed at Cosette's help and Enjolras nodded in appreciation.

"Hopefully, we get more ammunition than guns. During battle, you can steal guns from fallen soldiers." Enjolras said, looking over the map once more. Combeferre and Courfeyrac were next to him, marking down possible places for the barricades. "We need to have our's right here. At the corner in front of the Café."

The two boys nodded. "If enough people join, we should be able to cave the National Guard in and over power them." Combeferre added, circling another corner of the town.

  "Some barricades will be be big, others small. Hopefully our rallies work." Courfeyrac said. After their first rally, they began to have more, Every two weeks. One or two rich men or women would attend a rally, and spare a few francs on the crowd. The rebellion was coming together well. Maybe, just maybe, there was a chance that they could change France. That they could begin the French Revolution. Maybe.

   "'Ponnie! Welcome back!" Marius said, once the bell on the Café door chimed, signaling then that someone entered. Éponine missed the past two meetings and smiled weakly at Marius.

"You are staring." Courfeyrac mumbled to Enjolras. Combeferre just scoffed, never forgetting over the fact that the two didn't regret having an affair. Enjolras glared, while Courfeyrac gave him a puzzled look.

"Uh.. guys? I have some news." Éponine said, her voice shaking. Her voice never shook. Les Amis looked at her, their smiling faces soon fallen once they saw Éponine's expression.

"Is the General dead?" Jehan asked, his face filled with worry. Éponine shook her head and looked for Joly for support. He nodded.

"You remember how after the first rally, Joly began taking tests on me for my health, right?" She asked. Les amis nodded, they had a feeling this wouldn't end well. "Well, two weeks ago, he found out something, big. Like really big."

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