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The description of the word daddy: The only man in every girl’s life that is never going to hurt her as much as any other man will. Everyone should be proud to have the opportunity to call himself a dad. Not everyone fits in the job of a perfect daddy. Everything starts when we are little! If we are too exhausted to walk, our daddy is there to lift us up and show us the world from the top of his shoulders.  Or how they let us stand on their feet so we can dance like the grown-ups. How they’re there for us to catch us before falling onto the ground, by the try to make our first step, or how they save us from drowning when we learn how to swim. How they chase us through the whole apartment, because we need to run away from the tickle monster they can be. And if we are pouting and crossing our arms in front of our chests, they still try to make us smile. When we fall over or fall down, they’re our heroes that come and help us with a bit of chocolate or ice cream and a funny plaster with a teddy on it.

For a little girl, her daddy is a hero! Nothing that he does is wrong, and every story he tells us is just fascinating. No one is better than our daddy.

And even after we’ve grown-up, our daddy is still more important than any other man. He was the one that showed us how to survive in this big world. And even if they let us fall a few times they’re always going to be there to help us up after we’ve learnt the lesson. We have to learn things ourselves but they’re always going to be here to dry our tears. They’re always going to great us with an open arm and heart, if we need an advice that no one could give us.

When we were little girls everything that our daddy told us sounded so intelligent and truthful. And it still will after we’ve begun to write our own stories we’re going to tell our children’s once. But we’ll always remember what they’ve told us. Every advice they once in a while gave us, is in our heart and soul forever, and one day we’re going to give the exact same advice to our little boy or girl.

Every girl needs a daddy to get a personality no one else ever will get. Our daddy’s made us to what we are today. They formed our character with their gentleman like actions. They teach us how we should be threatened by any one boy, if they don’t do it they’re never going to a good daddy. They’re never going to a such amazing daddy as you were daddy!

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