Why am I here?

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Sometimes I think: Why am I even here? But then you drop this thought and carry on without thinking about it again. But what if we all should seriously think about it once in a while, so we know why everything is happening.

Why am I here? Why? Is there really a reason behind it or not? I don’t know and I’m never going to know the exact reason why. Do I care? Not really. Why? Let’s say it like that: there is no need for a reason. Why? Well, I think we’re here to give our loved ones: courage, power, a shoulder to cry on, a helping hand in need, respect, love and happiness. But the most important reason for me would be: The feeling of home! To have the feeling of being loved and protected, the feeling of being safe in someone’s arm, that truly loves you. Why is it important? Knowing that someone cares for you and loves you and would do anything to keep you safe, keeps a lot of people alive! Why does it keep us to still going forward? Just the thought of being important to someone just makes everything a little bit easier. To think that someone would miss you when you’d be away for forever, keeps me still going. Not wanting to hurt someone, keeps you away from hurting yourself, because you know that if you’d do it, it’d hurt them more than you. But there’s still this one question, which no one found an answer to! Why do we still do it, even though we know that it hurts our loved ones?  And again, we may love them but in these situations, we don’t care if it hurts them or not. Why? We’re not interested in this little moment what others think, we just want to control our pain, our thoughts and what else. We don’t think about the consequences, like scars. We don’t care! As simple as it is! And then afterwards we start to think, why didn’t we thought about it earlier. But it’s too late when it’s too late. We can’t step back in time and make our loved ones proud, because we haven’t harmed ourselves.

Not everyone has a story to tell, but why do we want to tell one? We don’t want to talk about it, but I think we have the feeling we need to do it. Why? I can tell! When someone asks you about your scars, they want a story and if they don’t get one, they start spreading rumours. And the saddest thing about it is. They think they help us, by telling them one that’s not true so we don’t have to tell the real story, but most of the time they’re the reason for our scars. Why is there always a need for a story to tell? So they get the attention with a story that’s ruining us! Do I think this is alright? No, not at all! Can I change it? No! How should I? I’m not the superhero everyone wants me to be. I can’t change the whole history of human being. It was always there and it always will be like this. Our community is a load of shit! Why? Because it’s the truth, and most of them don’t even want to know it, because they exactly know that it’s their own freaking fault! But they don’t even care about it for one minute! They just carry on living knowing they’re hurting other people, who haven’t done anything against them. Why? They need to feel good and respected by other trough hurting the ones who haven’t deserved it at all.

Why do we have to have the feeling of doing everything wrong, even though we can’t find any other way of helping ourselves, when nobody else helps us? I’m 1 in 7 Billions humans being, there should be someone that can help you, the ones that help you to fight against the ones that are the reason for your pain. Why are we alone in our most difficult moments? Why? Because no one wants to be the one that life through your saddest moment with you together, everyone wants to be the reason for your smile not for your darkest shadow. But what they don’t realise is, that we remember the ones that helped us out of the living hell, not the ones that tried to cheer us up with complete nonsense! And what they don’t know is, the smile they want from us, is most of the time a fake smile so they shut up. The only time we really smile, is when someone helped us because they love us not because they wanted to look good for others. The ones who deserve a real smile? The ones who helped us through everything, our darkest times and our happiest moments! Why should we care about someone who doesn’t even cares about us? Who just want to earn a smile to impress someone else? Why? There’s no reason for it! But yet a lot of people think they’re their real friends. But they’re the fake ones. Why does it matter how many friend you have on Facebook or Twitter? Because community says so! Isn’t it sad, that nearly everyone thinks, they should have thousands of friends who don’t care, rather than having a couple of friends who really care for you, who really love you, who want you to be safe, to feel at home? It is sad! Extremely sad if you ask me!

You always think the peoples who love you, care. But actually they sometimes hurt you even more than any other person. Why? Because you love them and if they hurt you they break your heart. And it’s the one thing that hurts the most. They might think their decision would be better for both of you but actually no their not. They hurt both of you, and if you wouldn’t make this decision they’d be happier. But you can’t change someone’s mind. The only thing you could do is manipulate them therefore they get the hint on what’s the best for them. They don’t see what’s right or wrong for them, but we do. Their family and friends can see it better. And if I say their friend, then I mean those friends that know you for half of your life, not just for some months.  They don’t know what’s good for you, they think they do but they don’t. He can’t see what we see. But if he doesn’t want to listen, he has to learn the lesson himself.

Life is hard. And people sometimes make it even more to a living hell. 

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