Chapter 5

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It had been three days since Bakugou and Midoriya had spoken to their desired omega. Every chance the two had at trying to make the omega speak to them had been futile, as Todoroki did a quick maneuver or turned on his heel ignoring the two alpha's protests and apologies as he went about his day.

   Midoriya was obviously saddened to not be able to speak to his new found friend. Every smile he shinned toward Todoroki had been coldly shunned, not even a second glance happening to look his way. Perhaps it was unfair that the two alpha's had pressured themselves onto Todoroki without his consent, but he thought the omega knew him better than seeing him as a horn dog alpha who wanted to get in anyone's pants. The alpha sighed heavily, not even bothering to give a wave as Todoroki walked passed him and to his seat. He just laid his head on the cold desk, fiddling with the mechanical pencil that twirled through his fingers.

   Uraraka noticed her friends off behavior, glancing at him from time to time to see his face full of sorrow and regret. Finally she's had it with his moping, and strolled her way over to his desk, pulling out Bakugou's seat and plopping herself down.

"Hey Deku! I wanted to know if you'd wanna go to the mall with me later! I really need some new clothes for the summer!" She put her hands together and bowed her head slightly, closing her eyes tightly.

"Sure, I'll just ask Iida to come too-"

"NO! I mean-" Half the class turned to look at the flushed omega, her blush burning itself onto her cheeks. But she continued. "I kinda wanted this to just be me and you today. I've noticed you seemed upset and are letting out some very emotional pheromones so I wanted to cheer you up alone this time!" Midoriya was glad to know he had such caring friends, ruffling the omega's hair softly and gave her a warm smile.

"I'd like that a lot. Thank you, Ochaco."

   Class 1-A smiles as they watched the tender scene unfold before their eyes, enjoying the sight of an omega and alpha at work to improve their relationship. Todoroki wasn't the exception either, as he had also watch the interaction between the two, a pang of fire erupting within himself. But like all his other emotions, he suppressed them and went back to his notebook, making sure he had reviewed the notes from earlier that week to pass the quiz they'd be taking today.

Bakugou on the other hand was also a bit stirred by not being able to talk to the omega. His actions and tone was a lot more aggravated. His responses more sarcastic and cold, his lashing at anyone who so much as caused his eye to twitch. Kirishima obviously not caring of the boundaries that the blonde puts up, smiles and sits on Bakugou's desk, also suggesting that they should have some quality 'bro time' tonight. No matter how much the annoyed alpha would put up a fight, he knew he had no chance of getting out of his friends grip, so he agreed and as much as he hated to admit, he had a good time and the alpha's mood improved slightly.

Later that afternoon, Midoriya's bell had rung signaling that Uraraka was here, so he made his was down and waved to his mother saying he'd be back around five or a bit later in case of lost time. His mother shooed him out, continuing to stir a sauce in the silver pot that was for their supper later that evening.

The smell of popcorn and pretzels and loud echoes of conversation gave the mall it's usual atmosphere of a busy friday night. The stores were cluttered with people, lines were especially long at the food court, and not to mention the rows to walk were tight.

"So Deku! I've seen a few stores with some seriously cute tops! Do you mind if we check them out?" The alpha nodded with a smile, following the brunette around the few stores she wanted to go to and observed the tops she'd tried on in the dressing rooms. Some were extremely cute while others...Yeah. Time flew by and they'd decided to stop by BobaCo, a small coffee and other goods cafe that was conveniently in front of their exit. Uraraka and Midoriya decided on a boba milk tea and seated themselves, slurping down their refreshing beverage on such a humid day.

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