Author has some words..

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How are you guys doin?

Sorry I took a break from writing and whatnot. I promise it wasn't on purpose. I actually wanted to update since January, but ran into serious gallbladder problems. It started in October and progressive got worst as time went on. It wasn't till January they told me it was gallstones, but they said I wasn't too bad yet. (Bullshit btw)

Despite the dieting and various tricks to try and stop the pain and constant throwing up it wasn't in my favor and in March I went down big time. Literally screaming as my mom, bless her heart, speedily drove me to the hospital. Surgery was a success and I've been on recovery since! So I'm ready to get back on it

One more problem though is I've come to a stop on how to continue this. I've been walking my brain around but man I have some serious writers block!

I'm open to all suggestions so please! The quicker the responses, the faster I can get on it!

Thanks to anyone who is still reading and have a wonderful day! 🌻

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