Chapter 6

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"Slumber parties are so old school, right?" Kaminari exhaled, a little bit bothered by not going to the arcade with the new releases in town. He watched the city from the cab window beside his two friends, Sero and Mineta. The grape haired shorty only smiled deviously as he twiddled his fingers together between the two.

"Guys...this is opportunity!" A drew of slobber slipped down his chin as he brought his left arm to his chest, clutching it tightly as he squinted his eyes. Kaminari and Sero only starred at their mouth foaming companion, a bit concerned for his well being.

"At this slumber party, all the chicks will be in their panties! And not just any.." Mineta's eyes sparkled as he pictured all his female classmates in rather seductive sleepwear, his squeals of delight throwing even the driver off without warming. The trio grinned from ear to ear as the taxi pulled toward their exit.

"Come on Todoroki, help me decide here!" Momo exclaimed as she places snacks in bowls and made fresh lemonade. "Should I go get more snacks? We do have an extra guest tonight after all."

   This grabbed Todoroki's attention. He never heard of her having friends outside of their class, let alone off campus. Seeing his reaction she smiled and brought out the last of the plastic cups from underneath the counter.

"I called one of the students from class 1-C to join us. A mysterious one but he is extremely sweet but quiet. I think you two would get along well actually."

'Huh, it's always like her to include everyone and be so nice to people.' The doorbell rang loudly, it's signature Ding-Dong alarming that the guests were now arriving. She scoffed, stirring the lemonade a little faster as she added more sugar.

"Hey could you get that? I'm a little busy at be moment." With a quick nod he made his way to the entrance, unlocking the door to reveal Kaminari, Mineta and Sero, already in their attire for the sleep over. The three were surprised to see the heterochromatic male instead of the rocking babe they'd expected, but they were not the least bit unsatisfied. A white, tight fitting t-shirt that oddly shaped his more feminine figure along with some black basketball shorts that had white stripes going down both sides.

"Come in guys. The living room is to your right. We'll be doing the event in there." And that's how the night started. More classmates poured in as the hour went on. Todoroki who was tired of getting up decided to pop the door open for the remaining friends coming. As he opened the door and leaned over to grab a shoe, Bakugou stood there tall and Todoroki who was bending over looked up to be face first in his chest. The omega, flustered and a bit embarrassed stood quickly and mumbled a 'sorry' as he stepped aside for him to pass.

He failed to notice the strange look Bakugou gave him, but what he did see was a hand clasped around the alpha's; the rest of the body coming into view to reveal an awkward looking Kirishima. His face was fully flushed and his eyes a bit more wide and innocent as his omega had finally shown.

Todoroki didn't know what pissed him off more:
Bakugou actually had the nerve to do this right in front of him.
Kirishima had scented all over the alpha and didn't even make eye contact or greet him.

A low growl erupted from Todoroki as he watched the two follow Kaminari who led them to the large room. A vain popped from his forehead, then shut his eyes tightly, clenching his fists as his face began to turn red from anger. What he didn't expect were the approaching footsteps and a hand on his shoulder. A light, reassuring squeeze that instantly calmed the omega down. He turned to look at his relief to be met with amethyst eyes, the figure a lot taller and built than he would have guessed.

"I think you need to calm down there." He chuckled. Todoroki remembered this one from the sports festival. Class 1-C, Hitoshi Shinso. An extremely clever and interesting quirk called brainwash.

Alpha's Calamity ~ BakuTodo & DekuTodoWhere stories live. Discover now