Chapter 7

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So I know I've been kind of following the anime, but I want to take my own turn with this story. It's the only way I'll have interest in it again honestly and I think it's about time to spice things up! I hope you guys enjoy!

   Midoriya had awoken with Uraraka at his side, her light breathing and soft snores calming his inner alpha. He laid there with the omega for a while, sleep almost taking him once again till a shuffling of footsteps had brought him back. Mineta creeping about toward Ashido, his hands already making grabbing motions till Midoriya growled softly, warning him to not go any further.

   The beta got a clue and quietly made his way around his classmates and toward the bathroom, scratching his head till a grape bubble came off. With a satisfied smile, Midoriya scrutinized; his classmates sleeping forms, pools of drool around the boys, even a few unexpected cuddles from pairs, mainly Sero and Kaminari, but as his gaze turned toward the feet of the couch, he noticed a certain blonde and red-white pair embraced securely. Midoriya tried to close his eyes and sat back, ignoring every urge he had and restrained himself from strangling the blonde, but luckily due to his natural passive nature, Midoriya remained calm, ignoring his inner alpha for the time being.

   The large edifice went back to soft snores and tight embraces among classmates. Though unexpectedly, not even after a few minutes of relaxing, a thunderous crash sounded in the distance. Rain, a storm that would terrorize the city had begun to move in. It made itself known with its heavy clouds darkening the skies, the harsh wind whipping against the windows and crashes of lightening illuminating the room for a split second with white.

   The omegas began to stir as the alpha auras began to grow tense. Another boom that was a lot closer rang out and finally awoke most of the class. Momo was on her feet and quickly took a glance through the blinds. Rain poured heavily and water had already begun to river itself down the street.

"Guys, quickly turn on the tv!"

Kirishima was first to react, diving for the control and pressing the on button twice before it turned itself on. It fuzzed at first but then an amber alert plastered itself onto the screen. In large red letters a warning about a flash flood that was on the rise. Shinsou becoming curious decided to look out the window and was surprised to see the clouds that were nearly black turned the city into night. It's wet whipping winds slapping against the slightly tinted windows.

Suddenly the lights flickered, a flash of white, and darkness. Power throughout the city had gone scarce, only leaving a few parts lit while the rest remained fogged and black.

The omegas within the group whimpered at the loss of light, the room growing more tense. That was until a loud snort from a certain Beta was heard to everyone's right, said male sitting up and looked about with confusion.

"What did I miss?"


Ignoring the oblivious idiot, the Alphas tried releasing relaxing pheromones, slightly calming the atmosphere. Todoroki could only stare at the other omegas, wrapping himself in a blanket while backing up into a long forgotten blonde. He tensed and backed from Bakugou. Sure, Todoroki was scared half to death of the storm, but he wasn't going to show that. Although Bakugou's unexpected soft eyes had him frozen, like he understood the feeling and only patted the Omega on the head. Momo also realizing what her best friend must have been feeling reassured;

"Don't worry Todoroki. My house is built for stuff like this and if it makes you feel any better, we could always head upstairs till the storm passes." Todoroki was thankful to have Momo at his side, It really did ease the nerves. The rest of the omegas were also comforted by their close friends, calming pheromones filled the air, relaxing the tension off everyone's shoulders.

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