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May or may not have cussing: read at your own risk~ Fiction_lover


I looked over at the red and black haired boy as he blew the smoke of his vape. He did smoke but promised someone to quit. Pete stopped, but he started vaping as a second choice once he felt his addition for it kick in.

"Tell me something I don't know" I sighed. Craig silently floated there as Pete walked over to me. "You have a lot going on. So much pain and neglect. How are you not depressed?" He asked. "How do you not see it?" I asked upset.

True is I am. I've been depressed for a few years now. "I thought so, I know a breaking soul when I see one. But you're yelling at nothing, what do you see?" Pete asked as he stood next to me and straight at Craig. At first I thought he could see Craig, but he's just as clueless as everyone.

"I... I would rather not say" I said looking away.  "Well if you feel alone just hang with us alright? Just don't get to emotional" Pete said as he started walking away. The bell rang before I could say anything.

"Guess lunch is over" Craig said as he started to fade away. "Wait no!" I quickly said looking at him. He looked over at me with no emotion. "I don't want you to leave... I don't want to be alone" I said looking away. He looked away and stared at the floor.

"Alright then, but don't repeat anything I say" He said. Becoming more visible than before. I smiled and nodded in agreement. "So, anything else that you can remember?" I asked as I started my way inside.


"Why did you go back to him?" Henrietta asked as she drank her coffee. "Yeah, he's just a paranoid conformist" Firkle said jumping in. "No, there's something going with him. He's being followed by a dark soul and I want to know why" I said sitting down. 

"Do you really believe so?" Firkle asked. "He's being followed by something is all I can say. I want to know more" I said flipping my hair away. "So what we befriend this kid?" Henrietta asked.  "Pete's right, there is something more to him. And I think others are catching on to his new attitude" Michael said jumping into the conversation. 

"So befriend him before anyone does?" Firkle asked. "That's exactly what's going to happen" Michael said. 


I walked into World History with Mr. Garrison eating a honey bun that I had in my backpack.  "And that's why I think your guinea pig is cool" Craig finished. The entire time from the bell ringing to now he just talked about Stripes. 

"That's why you're always by Stripes cage" I said quietly as I took my sit in the front row. Craig stood in front of my desk as we talked about other things. I didn't like the eyes staring at me but it didn't make me panic like usual. 

"Alright class take your seat, we have a busy day today so let's not goof off" Mr. Garrison said. Craig floated next to me so he won't bother me so much. "So today we are going to cover the topic of Alexander Hamilton. During this era-"

I payed attention as he went on about this dude and such. I've heard the musicals before so this shouldn't be so difficult to do. "And to make sure we understand things we are going to have a group project" Mr. Garrison said as he wrote Hamilton  Project' on the board.

"This is going to be in groups of three and Ill let you pick groups and first come first serve for what the topic will be over" He explained. I shakily raised my hand as he sighed clearly upset.

"What Tweek?" He asked annoyed.  "I-I can't do group work... I ca-cant ha-" "Can't handle that kind of pressure, we've all heard it before and you will do it in a group! And if you refuse then who ever has two people will take Tweek in their group" Mr. Garrison argued as everyone quickly got into groups.

"Why don't you like groups?" Craig asked. "Too much pressure" I mumbled. Everyone got in groups and got their topics. "Tweek Tweak... Who's your partners?" Mr. Garrison asked. "N-no one" I mumbled sadly. "Who has a group of two?" Mr. Garrison asked.

Two people's hands went up; Token Black and Clyde Donovan.

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