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I gasped as the sound of thunder boomed in my ears. I looked to my right and saw the rain pouring quite heavily. I licked my lips realizing how chapped they were. I looked throughout my room scanning for a certain presence. Disappointed by the sight of nothing I got up to check on Stripes. She munched on what was left of her food for the day.

"Hi Stripes, sorry I haven't been paying attention. Things happen you know?" I said to her. She just continued with her dinner, my own stomach grumbling for food. "Want to join me downstairs so I won't be scared and alone?" I asked smiling. Her response was a squeak. "I'll take that as a yes" I said grabbing her cage. I carefully opened the door while not dropping her and took her into the kitchen with me.

"Let's see... What shall I eat for dinner?" I asked myself. I went through the pantry and fridge before settling on chicken, macaroni, and coffee. I don't like using the stove for cooking often because of grease so I usually use the small griller for mostly chicken. I plugged it in and started on the macaroni. I hummed some random tune as everything started to cook.

Stripes chirped into the melody, running around in boredom. "Awe Stripes, you want out?" I asked the furry creature. "Only if you don't hurt yourself or break anything" I said as I went to open the cage. She quickly but cautiously ran out, exploring the table. I smiled and went back to cooking. The rain some what picked up, creating more lightning and thunder.

"Hope they're ok" I said looking over at Stripes. It is about 9? 9:30? I wasn't asleep for long, but it still worries me that they aren't home yet. I finished my dinner, serving myself a plate and cup of coffee. The coffee here at home tastes different then at the shop, maybe dad's special ingredient is for paying people only... "You know what Stripe? Maybe if I had a roommate that I trust then I could take care of myself. No worrying about people just me minding my business and the roommate minding theirs" I said sighing.

Stripe didn't give me a reply. "Stripe?" I questioned. I looked up to see Craig peeking over the table and staring at Stripe. Stripe basically doing the same. "JESUS CHRIST" I screamed, trying to keep myself contained. "Calm down, it's just me" He said standing up all the way. "I-I know... Just wasn't prepared for your arrival like that" I said holding my heart. "I couldn't help, but overhear you talking to Stripe is it?" He said barely touching her so she may not be startled. "Yeah it's Stripe, what happened after I fell asleep?" I asked,  taking a bite of macaroni. "You cried yourself to sleep then it started sprinkling, those emo kids knocked on your door then left after no reply, and then you woke up about 10 minutes after"

I wished Craig didn't remind me of myself being friendless and crying over, but the goth kids showed up? "The goth kids showed up?" I repeated. "Yeah, kept yelling for you. Saying they have something important to ask you, but after it started pouring harder they left" "Hm, maybe I'll get on Twitter and see if one of them have a account" I suggested more to myself. "I don't trust them, they have a plan and I know it's not good" Craig said floating over me. ".. I don't trust them either but they are the closest anyone has ever understood me or my emotions" I said giving him a sorry look.

"I'm just saying! If they decide to use you as a sacrifice or peace offering to some demonic god then that's on YOU for trusting them" Craig argued. I bit my lip knowing he makes a point. The goth kids have tried to summon Cthullu before, maybe they need some broken soul to finish the summoning. "Oh great, now I have that thought stuck in my head" I grumbled as I held my coffee close to me. "Just saying, and I thought you didn't have any friends? How come everyone is talking to you and such?" Craig asked confused, his eyebrows knitted together. "I don't know, no one talked to me for about two years then all of a sudden so many more people are talking to me. And I don't like it" I said tapping the table.

"You don't like being talked to?" Craig asked. "No it's not that! It's just.. Way more attention then before. It was originally Token and Clyde. Then Stan, Kyle, Cartman, and Kenny from 4th to 8th then I was alone for 9th and 10th" I explained, Craig nodding every once in a while. "Maybe you have something they want?" "Oh god, please not my soul!" I begged. Craig chuckled as Stripe squeaked for her own response. "Just hang with no one, I'll be here when you're alone or on your darkest days. I'll help you ok?"
"Ok" I blushed.

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