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I played on my PlayStation for over an hour now. Making the time around 10 and still no parents. "You ok?" Craig asked as he looked over at me. "Not really... My parents aren't home yet and I'm unsure of what to do. If they abandoned me then what will I do? Drop out of school and work the shop? Or continue school and work the shop afterwards? It's just I don't know what to do as of right now. They aren't here- they usually are never here for me" I said as I died and went to the menu screen.

"Whatever happens I'm here remember?" Craig said looking at me. "Yeah I remember" I layed back on the floor staring at my ceiling. "Hey Craig, do you know about Stark's Pond?" I asked looking at the boy. "Doesn't ring a bell" He said curiously. "Want to see it?" I asked. "Sure" He simply replied. I got up and grabbed my shoes, not bothering to put on a jacket I left the house and made my way to Starks Pond. Although the pond was somewhat in a forest I wasn't entirely frightened by it. "Aren't you scared of being I don't know.... Kidnapped or something?" Craig asked, showing a bit of concern in his tone. "I usually am, but I try not to focus on that" I said passing houses as I slowly got closer to the pond. I stopped dead on my tracks and turned around seeing nothing. "What's wrong?" "Thought I heard someone following" I whispered.

I turned back forward and continued walking with a bit of a faster pace. ".. Jus.." I turned around and I could have sworn I saw a body hid behind a fence of a house. "Run" Craig said and I did. I started running as fast as I could from who ever was there hoping I was faster. I didn't have to turn around to hear the person's footsteps running after me or in this case more than one person's footsteps.  "Please don't catch up, Jesus see me through this" I said as I felt their presence closing in. "Tweek wait" I ignored Craig's voice and I continued to run for my life. I reached the woods and immediately ran into it. Branches and bushes hit me, scratched me as I gasped for air. Tears flew off my face as I practically jumped into an opening. I stopped for a split second before ducking into a few bushes as the stalkers came into the clearing themselves.

"Dammit I lost him" said the person who I presumed to be the one closest to me during the chase. Two other figures joined the first as they tried to catch his breathe. "He should... Join the track team... Oh Jesus he's fast" said-... I know this voice. "He couldn't be far.. Right?" "I doubt he could have ran any farther, Tweek?!" called the first voice. I cringed at myself for over reacting, I was being chased by Kenny, Kyle, and Stan. "Gonna say hi or hide?" Craig asked as he floated by my side. "Tweek!" Stan called. I didn't answer anyone I just stayed hidden hoping they would leave. "Cmon lets go before we drive him deep in the woods and he gets lost" Kyle said after they attempted a few calls for me. "No way, he's gotta be here" Kenny said as he sat near the edge of the pond.

"Dude it's going to be 11 in like 12 minutes, lets leave him" Stan said standing behind the blonde. "You two go ahead.. I want to wait and find him" The blonde said not looming at his friend's. ".. Al-alright dude.. Stay safe" Kyle said after some silent debate. The two walked off talking to each other about my possible reason to be out late. I looked over to Kenny as he sat by the water staring at it. I took a deep breathe and quietly stood up. He immediately looked over at me, giving me a small smile ad I trudged over to him. "Like spying on people?" He said. My face turned red as I pushed him. "Says you! You g-guys were following me!" I said upset. "I'm sorry I'm sorry, you just never go out so late I wanted to know why" Kenny said still staring at the water. "Well you don't know my life and I wanted to come here.." I said trailing off.

"For what reason?" I looked away and stared at my feet, not wanting to say 'To show a ghost I met the pond and clear my head with this said ghost'. "You don't have to tell me" Kenny said after a moment of silence from me. "I'm sorry, if I told you.. You wouldn't believe me" I said quietly. He sighed in defeat knowing he won't get a direct answer from me. "Ok then Tweek Tweak ok then. Just know.. " He said getting up and grabbing shoulders. My face turned red as he stared at me. "Just know you can tell me anything alright? I know things must be rough for you, but I'm always up to help" And with that he left.

Leaving me alone with the pond, my thoughts, and Craig.

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