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May or may not have cussing: read at your own risk~ Fiction_lover


"There you go, you are their partner now" He said writing down my name. I looked over at the two as they smiled and motioned for me to go to them. I used to talk to them, but I distanced myself because... Because.... I don't remember but I haven't talked to them since 8th grade.

I got up and walked over to them. "Tweek! It's been forever since we talked! How you been?" Clyde asked loudly. "It's been three years" Token said. "Things happened, but what are we doing for the project?" I asked. "We are doing John Laurens" Token answered.

"Oh cool, he's personally my favorite actually" I said rubbing my neck. "Nerd" Craig said looking at me. I turned red and looked away. "Aw don't be nervous Tweekers! We can do the talking if you help decorate the poster board" Clyde said patting my back (harshly may I add).

"So, who's house?" Token asked. "Who's house what?" I asked. "Who's house are we working on it at? It can't be mine because my parents are having workers remodeling the kitchen" Token explains.

"Then that leaves Tweeks house because I never do anything at my house" Clyde said pointing at me. "Wh-Why my house?!" I asked nervously. "Like I said, I won't do anything at mine" Clyde said as he crossed his arms, winning the argument.

"F-fine, but if you break anything I won't help" I said seriously. "Yes! It's been so long since we've been to your house Tweekers" Clyde said happily. "So how after school at Tweeks?" Token asked as the bell rang. "After school at Tweeks" I said sighing. I left the class and went to my locker.

"How come you don't like group work?" Craig asked as I got my things for health. "Are you kidding?! I h-hate group work! I'm excepted to do good bu-but I just disappoint" I explain grabbing a binder and note book. "Do you really mess up that bad?" He asked more monotone then surprised.

Before I could say another word, a hand slammed into the locker next to me causing me to scream and drop everything in fear. "Who the hell are you talking to faggot?!" demanded none other then Eric Cartman himself. "I-i-i-i" I stuttered in shock.

I completely overlooked that I was talking out loud to Craig. "Sp-sp-sp-spit it out" He mocked. I covered my mouth and stared at him, I was on the verge of tears. "Leave him alone fat ass! Or else you'll get it" Craig yelled angrily. Of course Eric didn't hear him so he continued to pick on me.

"What's wrong spaz? Scared to say something stupid like in 1st?" He grinned evilly. "Just leave me al-alone" I said, cringing at myself stutter. "Why? Am I making you flustered faggot?" Eric asked mockingly.

"Leave him alone fat ass"

We all looked over at Kyle as he and Stan walked towards us. "Stay out of this Jew, and why do you care! Is it because he's a gay piece of shit like you?" He asked. 

"I will beat the shit out of you" Kyle threatened, ignoring Eric's question. He looked at Kyle then Stan before pushing me away. "Fine, be fags together" Eric said storming away.

"T-thanks" I said looking at them as the bell rang for class. "No problem dude. Just stay safe alright?" Kyle said walking away. "I wish I could beat him to a pulp" Craig said as he had his hand in fists. I jumped in surprise as I grabbed my stuff off the floor.

"I wish I-i wasn't outed.." I said as I dragged my body to Health. "What do you mean?" He asked confused. His brows connected as he stared at me. "W-well... Eric is right. I'm a fag" I said quietly, trying to hold my emotions back.

"Don't call yourself that. So what you like dudes, doesn't make a difference" Craig said annoyed. "But it does make a difference. Im not normal" I said looking away. "Who said being straight is normal" He said as we entered the class room.

I turned red as I sat down in my chair. "I g-guess your right... Thanks" I said smiling at him. "Don't talk to yourself  weirdo" Craig teased as the teacher walked in.

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