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After School

I went over my lines as I walked out of Theatre and to my locker. "You used to be more...  muchier. Now you've lost your muchness" I said in my hatters voice. Before I could continue to the next line I was shoved with such forced I slammed my head into the bathroom door, falling inside. "Everyone out!" screamed my attacker. I looked up to see Token and Clyde pushing the remaining boys out of the restroom. "W-wait no!" I pleaded as I tried to leave with them. "Not so fast faggot" Token said grabbing me and throwing me back into the restroom. I crawled back against the farthest wall as Clyde pulled out a big sharpie. "We can do this the hard way or easy way Twitchy. Whats it going to be?" Clyde taunted as he pulled the cap off.

"D-dont do this, you guys are m-my friends" I cried. I let more tears fall as they figured out I might fight back. "Guess it's the hard way" Token said getting a running start at me. He went for a kick, but immediately fell backwards. "Aw dude, did you pull me?" Token asked looking back at Clyde. "No way, I didn't tou-" Clyde's jacket got roughly pulled over his head. "What the hell?!" He yelled as he dropped the marker and started swinging for an attacker. Clyde backed up against a stall, the door flying open and hitting him with force. "What the fuck is going on?! Is this you?!" Token yelled looking at me. "I'm not doing anything!!" I yelled holding my hands up. The sinks practically broke as water sprayed Token and Clyde. "Dudes let's get the fuck out of here!" Clyde said getting his jacket off. The made a beeline for the door but it wouldn't budge. "You think you can just leave after trying to beat of my best friend? And for what? Being him?!"

"Craig" I gasped as the realization hit me. "Who the hell is Craig?" Clyde asked as he held onto Token. "I'M CRAIG AND IF YOU EVER TRY TO HURT HIM AGAIN I'LL MAKE SURE YOU NEVER THE LIGHTS OF HEAVEN, EVER!!" Craig screamed. The lights rapidly started flashing. One by one they went out, except for the one closes to the mirrors. Clyde and Token slowly looked at the mirror as I cautiously got up. The sinks turned on quickly fogging up the mirror. A glowing blue figure appeared, looking pissed off then ever. "Hurt him ever again and I'll bring you to hell with me" Craig threatened. "We won't! We promise!" Token said as they quickly backed away. "We're sorry" Clyde cried. "Don't apologize to me... Say it to him" Craig said pointing in my direction.

"We're... We're.. "They stuttered. "STOP STALLING!" Craig screamed causing the final light to burn its self out. "WE'RE SORRY PLEASE!!" Clyde screamed in horror. The restroom door slammed open and they ran out screaming and crying for help. I slowly walked to the door and looked out as students looked at me in horror or shock. "You ok?" Craig asked as he appeared next to me. "I just want to go home" I said walking down the hall. Everyone backed away and looked at me. "I burned myself out, don't forget your parents need your help at the shop alright? I think I need to rest" He said slowly fading. "Alright, see you later" I said walking out the building as he disappeared. I dragged my feet as I made my way to the shop rethinking my whole life.


This is my favorite chapter yet, and there is still more protective Craig to come! ~Fiction_lover

Ps~ Finally got ya chapter angle-senpai

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