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A/N: The lines they say for the script isn't the real ones. I'm just improvising as I go so yeah.


"I say you're quite mad Hatter" Bebe said as she played the role of Alice. "Mad you say? Well I like to call it creativity at its best! Without muchness you'd be a boring gal no? Having muchness is not just enough! There is no limit to you're muchness, but there is a thing of having to little muchness" I said with an accent. We've been rehearsing our lines for hours upon hours and I've gotten really into character.

"Well I do believe I have muchness, but I never show it" She said timidly. I stood up from the chair I was sitting in and got on top of the table. I walked across the table towards Bebe as I spoke. "No we can't have no such thing! Here in Wonderland you can express as much muchness as you'd like! Go in then! Express it!"

A silent chuckle came from Craig, he pretty much wondered off and I let him be since I have the rehearsal. "I don't thunk I can Hatter" Bebe said, slowly rising from her seat. "I said express yourself! Not give me a sappy excuse" I said sromping the table. I could here the theatre kids hold there breathe as they stopped what they are doing and watch. "I want you to give me your best, can you do that?" I questioned, getting close to her. "I believe I can" She said getting up in the table with me.

"Can you out much me madam?" I questioned walking backwards back across the table. "Oh you don't even know the beginning of it! Im going to go see the Queen!" Bebe cheered. As i went to open my mouth the table leg, on my side, snapped causing me ro fall eith all the props. "Are you lids ok?" Ms. Granberry asked as she jumped on stage. A bunch of other students came up to help as I tale in the moment.

"Wow you weigh more than you look" Craig teased. "Is it ok if I take a break?" I asked. Ms. Granberry excused for the break and walked to the boys restroom. "Man that was kind of freaky" I said aloud, knowing Craig was with me. "You reacted alot calmer than I thought you would" Craig said appearing next to me.

"I hope they can properly fix it, I will react alot more if it happens during play night" I said splashing waterinto my face. I stood in front of the mirror for a good while as we let silence engulf us. "How are you going to wake yourself up?" Thats not Craig...

I looked around the restroom for who spoke but saw no one, not even Craig was with me anymore.

"How are you going to wake up" This time he demanded me. I turned back to the mirror and saw my reflection. He seemed pretty upset by the look on his face. "Get it in your head that you'll die if you don't wake up, they'll eventually pull the cord and this world you'reliving in will be gone. Wake up Tweek"

I backed away and stared at the mirror. "Do you want to die?!" He screamed. I shook my head and ran out the restroom. Everything moved so quickly I was gasping for air.

"Wait stop! Hes freaking out!"

"Hes still here, he can wake up!"

"Tweek wake up!"

"Wake up!"

"You're killing him!"

"Save him! He still has a chance!"

"He can make it!"

"Tweek! Breathe!"

I gasped for breathe as a blurred vision of a room appeared in front of me. The Tweek from the mirror looked at me ad I layed in a hospital bed. "Wake up" He said. The room slowly faded black and I again gasped for air.

Only i took in water. I swam up to the surface of what I believe is Starks Pond. I took my deep breathes as I the voice yelling, pleading for me to wale up haunted me. I got on shore and Craig stood there. I looked up at him- and felr anger. Why? I have no clue, but I just did.


I fell back to the ground crying, his form practically disappeared as it was replaced by myself.

He stared down at me as I stared up at him. "As you wish" He said and disappeared into nothing. I looked passed where he used to stand and there was Kenny giving me a sad look. I cried and let myself get engulfed in an empty dreamless sleep.

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