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charlotte's pov

"finn finn! calm down" i say as finn is dragging me through the set of IT because he wants me to meet his cast mates, he met them during the casting process and from then on they've had a group chat and become the best of friends

filming for IT starts today and finn could not be more excited to see his friends and introduce me to everyone, i'm here because since finn is under 18 he needs an on set guardian which is me because i was finn's neighbor that babysat him a lot until he was 7 and both of his parents died in a car crash so he came to live with me in my house, which is when i became his official guardian

"i can't calm down i'm so excited for you to meet everyone and for me to see everyone!" he says coming to a stop when we find a group of kids with their guardians and a handsome man who i assume to be apart of the cast "finn!" a curly headed boy says giving finn a hug then all the other kids join in on giving him a hug, pulling away shortly after, "guy this is charlotte florescu shes basically my mom, charlotte this is sophia lillis, wyatt oleff, jaeden lieberher, jeremy taylor, chosen jacobs, jack grazer, and finally the tall guy is bill skasgård" finn says as they all wave "how old are you?" jack asks which makes my eyes widen and sophia hit him "jack! it's rude to ask a lady her age" sophia says "thank you sophia but its fine, i'm 27" i say "really you look way younger" jack says "jack maybe you should shut up" chosen says "wait! omg you play scarlett witch!!" wyatt says "oh my god you do!!" jaeden says "hey guys how about we explore" finn says to the other kids and they all agree so they leave the room making bill and i the only ones in here

"hey i'm bill" he says "hi i'm charlotte" i say shaking his hand "i loved you in captain america you are truly a phenomenal actress" he says "aw thank you! you too i saw you in allegiant you were fantastic" i say as we both blush "we should probably go find the kids" i say starting to get worried about finn "finn's fine don't worry" he says "how did you?" i say confused but he just shoots me a smile "how about after filming when the kids are having an all-nighter in someones hotel room we hang out so that they don't give us to bad of a headache" he says "sounds good to me" i say as we walk away to find the kids and start filming

Guardian: Bill SkasgårdWhere stories live. Discover now