Chapter 2: The first challenge

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"Your first challenge is to dive into the water from 1000 foot high cliff. If you look there are two circles" Chris said as he continued explaining.

How is this not illegal?

"Alright Killer Bass, your up first." Chris said.

"So, who's up first?" Bridgette asked sounding scared.

"Ladies first," Duncan said

" I'll go!" I volunteered.

Everyone gave me a look in confusion. I felt my cheeks go red in embarrassment.

/Deirck: "Sorry, but when all attention is on me, it makes me. Uncomfortable. And to be honest, I'm very scared, but I have to make a good first impression. Although volunteering to suicide isn't really a good impression." I raised an eyebrow./

I looked forward and ran up, I flipped forward and dived into the water, turns out, I didn't jump into the right spot.

I heard a lot of people screaming at me to swim as the sharks were coming towards me. They just took one look at me.

It's like they can see the depression in me. A tear shredded from one of there eyes, and then they offered me a ride, I was a little weirded out, but I rather this then get eaten. So I accepted the ride.

I looked to see a lot of my team jumping until it came to DJ. Apparently, he was scared of water since he was little. I kinda felt bad for him.

And apparently Courtney didn't jump either. I was hoping that none of the other team would jump. Then lots of them started jumping. Beth chickened out, which means we still had a chance. Then it all came down to Owen.

I honestly thought he wasn't gonna jump until he started running and jumped into the water.

Then a huge wave of water splashed us all. The Screaming Gophers got the reward. Yeah, I think we all know who's gonna win this one.

We all changed back to our normal close. I saw my team pushing crates. Since I'm apart of the team, I probably should help. I walked up and started helping DJ push his crate. He looked down at me to see that the box started moving faster.

"Wow, you're a lot stronger than you look."DJ smiled.

/Derick:"I don't know why, but big guys always seem to see that I'm weak or something. Don't get me wrong I'm not a powerhouse, but I'm not a noodle. Maybe its because I'm always reading and drawing or very quite to myself.\

" Was that a compliment or a statement?" I raised an eyebrow.

"Um.. Both?" he said, not fully sure himself with a sheepish smile.

"So... Nice chicken hat" I said to him, trying to make conversation. "You kinda pull it off."

"You really think so?" he said smiling at me as I nodded.

"Thanks, your hat isn't so bad either." he said as I get a small blush come on. "So, why where you so eager to jump off a 1000 foot cliff" DJ asked

"Well one, I have to make a good first impression on my team, and two, they can't blame me if we lose. Although, they might vote you off for not jumping." I said.

"Well I'm not losing my life for some money" he said.

"I mean, I might as well jump, what do I have to lose?" I mumbled.

"Huh? What's that suppose to mean?" DJ asked.

"Nothing! Forget I said anything."

He was about to say something but we noticed that we finally made it. I fell to my knees after being so tired. Then I looked to see that the other team has already started.

"You need help up" DJ said as I looked up. I put my hand in his and he pulled me up.

"Thanks" I said

Wow, his hands are soft. Then Courtney started on her CIT rant and elected herself captain.

"Where do we start Cyclops?" Duncan said to Courtney making her pissed.

"Open the crates, Bridgette go find those itchy girls, we need all the help that we can get."Courtney demanded.

I can't believe that were still trying.


Our pool didn't turn out good. I wanted to try and fix it but I didn't wanna make it worse. Chris then started judging our hot tubs starting with the Gopher's

"Now this is a hot tub!" He said as the Gophers cheered.

He then just poked at ours. It squirted water in his face, then it broke down entirely.

"Well, I think we have a winner, the Screaming Gophers" Chris announced with excitement.

"Killer Bass, I'll see you guys tonight at the first campfire ceremony" Chris continued.

We all went to the mess hall.

I sat down next to Harold. They started discussing who we should vote off. Duncan started talking about DJ and Courtney not jumping.

"You guys need me! I was a-" Courtney began but then was interrupted by Bridgette.

"We know, so than who you pick?" Bridgette stated.

Courtney started to look around the table and then said

"How about, him?" she said pointing at me.

I just looked up then back down feeling awkward.

"At least he jumped chicken legs, and he jumped first. Plus, we might need his gymnastic skills later."

Duncan said as he started to leave out.

I was about to leave before I hear Ezekiel say something. "Well, guys are much faster and stronger than girls." he said.

The sad part is he really thought he was right. Eva and Bridgette started threatening him. I took this as my opportunity to leave.

I walked out into the forest. I was trying to find actual food. I found a few berries. I just snacked on those until the elimination ceremony began.

"The person, who does not receive a marshmallow must immediately go to the dock of shame, Catch the boat of losers and leave, when I call your name come up and claim your marshmallow."

" Geoff, Tyler, Sadie, DJ, Derick, Duncan" he said as we all got our marshmallow. It eventually came down between Ezekiel and Courtney.

"Courtney" he said as she ran up in relief.

I walked back to my cabin to see the Gophers celebrating. "Go Gophers, go gophers, go gophers," A few of them sang. I went to my cabin and just tried to relax since we don't have another challenge tomorrow. I continued to read until 9:23. I shut my book. Closed my eyes and went to bed.

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