Chapter 26: The last episode[Not]

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Me and DJ were hanging out with the rest of the losers. We had nothing better to do.

"Hello campers." Chris said.

"Haha, that's ex-campers to you." Duncan said.

"Yeah. For once I agree with Duncan. We were all eliminated. Which means, game over." I said.

"Congratulations to our winner. Owen, you played hard, fought hard, ate hard, and farted even harder. I'm not sure why, but you beat every other person on this island."

"I would've won. But the brownies motivated him." I mumbled.

"You'll get it next time buddy." DJ said patting my shoulder.

"There won't be a next time." I said.

"That's where you're wrong. Owen, what I'm about to offer you may change all of that. Inside this suitcase is one million dollars."

Okay.... I wanna see where this is gonna go.

"We had our PA's make a cardboard check to this awesome new prize."

A copter then pulled the giant check onto the resort.

"We went through alot of cardboard to make this." Chris yelled over the copter.

"Owen, my man, this million dollars could be yours. All you have to do is figure out where we're about to hide it and bring it to the dock of shame before anyone else does."

"Wait, you said anyone else. Does that mean we all have a chance to win the million?" I asked

"Yep, what do you say, Owen? Will you settle for 100gs or one million dollars?" Chris asked.

"Game on baby! Yeah!" Owen said as chris nodded and tore up the check.

"That's the spirit, Owen." Chris said.

One of Chris's interns take the suitcase.

"Throughout the day, I'll give you all hints from the loud speakers just to make sure you're not completely lost. All right campers, the ultimate million dollar challenge starts now!" He said shooting a cork that hits a seagull

"Here I come million dollars." Owen says taking off into the forest.

"Let me get this staright. After messing with our heads for an entire summer, you expect us to start running around the island like idiots all over again?" Heather asked.

"That's right." Chris said.

"But how do we know you didn't stuff that suitcase with bricks our something?" Leshawna sked.

"You don't," Chris said.

"I'd love to play another round of humiliation of the teens, but I got a buffet to eat." Noah said.

"Fine, so it yourselves. I'm sure Owen would be happy to have no competition. Won't he make the easiest million dollars in TV history." Chris said.

We then all heard Owen start to laugh and cheer excitedly. Okay... that's it. I'm going to go search.

Everyone dashed off before I could even tie my shoes. They all got stuck together.

Everyone began forming groups. I ended up forming a group with DJ, Tyler, Cody, and Owen.

"A guys only team." Owen said."This is awsome."

"Yeah!" Tyler said in excitement. "Guys rule! I've been hitting the weights since I got here. Working on my fiercenessness." I race palmed at his statment.

He then got push to the ground by Eva.

"Get over yourself." She said walking with Noah. Izzy them came over laughing.

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