Chapter 18: I can't ride or build a bike

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I was sitting under a tree watching DJ play frisbee with the rest of the campers.

"Morning, campers. Your next challenge awaits you at the arts-and crafts center." Chris announces on the loud speaker. I took off my hat, shook my hair into place and put my hat back on and ran off.

I followed the rest of the campers to the arts and craft center.

"Welcome to the arts and crafts center." Chris said.

"More like the arts and junk center." Duncan said.

"Yeah, it used to be an outhouse but now it's where Chef parks his road on." He kicked it open and I looked to see a red motorcycle with flames on it.

"Which brings us to today's challenge! Building your own wheels."

/"I swear they get more and more lazy with creating these challenges."\

"You'll find all the parts you'll need in our bike depot. Once you've collected the basics, trick them out any way you want using the props from the arts and crafts center. Best design wins! And, being a nice guy I'm even throwing in a bike manual." Chris said.

/"Great. Another challenge that I have zero experience with. Man I didn't go outside enough as a child."\

I grabbed the blue prints and looked at the materials I have.

"Yeah. This is not gonna work." I mumbled to myself.

"What's a matter? Don't know how to build a bike." I hear Duncan say making fun.

"Mind your own business Duncan. I'm more than capable of making a bike." I said. I don't even know how to ride one. I looked to see Izzy finished her bike.

"Hey Izzy, can you help me with my bike?"

"Just a second. Hey Leshawna!" Izzy yelled.

"Wanna ride my bike, there is more than enough room for the both of you." Izzy said in excitement.

Me and Leshawna looked at each other. We have no clue what this might lead to.

"I mean. I don't have any better options, so I might as well." I said.

We both got on the bike. Izzy in the back, me in the middle, and Leshawna in the front.

"Great. Both of your extra weight will make us go faster!" Izzy said.

"Um. I'm gonna take that as a compliment." Leshawna said.

"Good let's go!"

Suddenly the bike started to move. Leshawna was screaming for her dear life. I closed my eyes, holding onto Leshawna, and hoping for the best.

DJ's pov

I put on a purple helmet and tested it by bang my head to a tree. The guys then began having a conversation

"Hey, do you guys remember your first bike ride?" Owen said.

"Aw, yeah. I wiped out so bad I popped my collar bone. You could see it sticking out right out of my shoulder. That was wicked. " Duncan said causing me to grab my shoulder.

"I flew so far over my handle bars that I skinned for a mile. Hehe, skin was hanging of me in chunks." Geoff said

"That's nothing. I popped my arm right out of my socket, it took three doctors to hold me down and sling shot it back into place." Owen said.

They all sighed in relief and said "good times."

I dropped the helmet and put on a knights helmet.

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