Chapter 17: Hiding from a nut job with a nut job

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It's starting to feel like everyday is the same. Waking up, Doing some lame challenge, then watching some one get eliminated. I'm wondering when It'll be my turn. I don't even know if I can win this thing.

"Yo Derick! The next challenge is gonna start soon." I heard DJ say breaking my train of thought.

"Oh. Okie dokie. I'll be there soon." I said as I watched him walk out. I combed my hair, and tied my boots and walk out. We all gathered around the dock. I stood next to DJ as Chris began explaining.

"Today's challenge is a good ole fashion game of hide and seek. You all get ten minutes to hide before Chef Hatchet comes looking for you."

"What's with the gun?" Duncan asked.

"The lifeguard chair is home base. When he finds you, Chef will try to spray you. If you escape his blast you can run to home base. But if he catches you on your way, he'll douse you." Chris said.

"Ohh, so we're gonna get splashed by a bit of water. Now I'm terrified." Duncan says as I face palm.

"Why don't you demonstrate Chef?" Chris said.

Chef began reloading the gun and then blasted Chris.

"Not at me dude!" Chris yelled dripping,

"So how do we win this game?" Heather complained.

"You got three options. One, don't get discovered in your hiding space. Two,run to home base before Chef blasts you. Three, once you've been caught, help chef find other campers. Do any of those and you win invincibility. All clear? " Chris said Lindsay raised her hand. "You got ten minutes to hide... go!" Chris yelled.

Everyone dashed off. I looked at Chris then began walking away. I ran to catch up with Izzy.

"Follow me! I have a plan!" She yelled pulling my arm.

/"What do I got to lose? I mean if I get caught, I lose immunity, and I might get voted off. Besides, Izzy might be on to something."\

We went to the dining hall and climbed up to the ceiling.

"Are you sure this is gonna work?" I said.

"Yeah. trust me. I hid from a crazy group of seals once in the arctic." Izzy said laughing. She continued telling me crazy stories. Suddenly Chef entered the in. My heart rate sped up. A fly then flew into Izzy's nose causing her to sneeze.

"He-chew." She sneezed. Chef then looked up at us.

"I guess you heard that didn't you?" Izzy said to chef as he stared. We both looked at each other and nodded. we both dropped down and kicked Chef directly in the face causing him to fall. Chef got up and looked at us. he dropped his gun and got ready to fight. Izzy cracked her neck. She then ran up and began fighting him. He pushed her back.

"Come on Izzy. You got this!" I cheered her on.

She motioned her hand saying come and get it. He dash up and they began fighting. It was a stalemate until she jumped.

"Bye-bye." She said kicking him down. We both ran out and shut the door and attempted pushed our bodys to the door trying to keep him in.

"Derick Listen to me. You gotta run!" Izzy said.

"But what about you?"

"I'll be fine. We can't hold him back." She said. I looked at her a nodded and we both ran off.

/"That was so dramatic. It was almost like an anime scene. We totally over thought that situation."\

I ran off into the forest. I took a five minute break, and continued running. Suddenly my arm was pulled into a cave.

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