Chapter 12: Master Chief?

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I finally finished my drawing of DJ wearing a different color. I kept the shirt design the same. I just colored it red and made his hat black. I looked down at him to see him still asleep. I added a few finishing touches then locked my diary and headed outside for a walk.

/"I still feel uneasy knowing that Duncan knows that I like DJ. Why him of all people. But maybe if I don't tell DJ about bunny, Duncan will just forget, hehe." *Laughing nervously*\

I headed back to see Harold holding s'mores with underwear in them.

"Okay who made s'mores out of my underwear?!" Harold said.

"Oh I don't know. Maybe the person that instantly hated us when we first arrived." I said looking toward Duncan. Him and Geoff were laughing at the s'mores.

"Come on Harold, let's just go." I said as we sat somewhere else. We sat under a tree with shade.

"So how are the love letters for Leshawna going?" I said.

"They're great." He said smiling.

I nodded happily for him. I then looked up to see DJ walking. I just smiled and sighed. He then looked over at us.

I froze up. He waved at us. Harold grabbed my wrist making my hand move like I was waving. He looked confused and just shrugged and walked off. Harold just looked at me.

"What? I panicked. I didn't expect him to me staring like a creep." I said.

"Yep. Because DJ's the creep. Not you." he said with obvious sarcasm.

We both busted out laughing together. Then our conversation was interrupted by the loud speaker.

"Listen up you little cockroaches. I want you to report to the dock of shame in 0900 hours." Chef said on the loud speaker.

Me and Harold looked at each other confused.

"That means now soldiers! Now!" Chef yelled as me and Harold got up and ran.

We got to the dock of shame and stood looking at chef. He was dressed in a military type of outfit.

"Line and stand at attention. You call this proper formation." Chef said.

I quickly changed my formation and straightened up before chef got to me. He smacked Harold a good bit of times. I just looked serious and continued to listen.

"What did you say soldier?" Chef question Gwen.

"Um. Nothing." Gwen said.

"And you'll continue to say nothing until I tell you that you can say something" Chef demanded.

Harold then taped me. I looked over at him waiting for him to say something. "Isn't she a beauty?" Harold said looking at Leshawna. I nodded since I would always rant to him about DJ. I didn't see why I shouldn't do the same. I then looked over to see Chef hit Owen get hit by chef.

"Ow that hurts." Owen yelled

I looked over at DJ and smiled at him. He then noticed that I was staring then I quickly turn looked away and blushed.

"Rule number one. You will address me as Grand Master Chief. Have you got that" Chef said.

"Yes Master Chief." we all responded.

I just rolled my eyes at his foolishness.

"Did you just roll your eyes at me boy!" he said.

"No Master Chief." I responded.

"Keep it up and I'll roll your eyes into the back of your head." He said and continued ranting.

/"Okay, I can't believe I'm saying this but. I miss Chris. At least he won't threaten us if we talked. He was just get irritated and gives a smart remark."\

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