Extra chapter: Opening my Heart

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*Derick's dream.

I woke up in a bed. I looked out the window to see my old neighborhood. I began to panic of the sight. This meant that my father was here.

"No not here! Anywhere but here!" I panicked quietly.

I haven't been here ever since I was twelve. I moved with my mom's parents since then since then.

I heard my room door being opened. I just look at him, then back at the ground.

"What are you doing!? Get up and actually make yourself useful!" My dad yelled. He had dark black hair and blue eyes. Unfortunately I took that after him. He always seemed to have this stern look on his face.

"How could such a pleasant person get married to such an aggressive man?" I mumble to myself as I get up. I come down stairs scared of what my dad might possibly be thinking. I sit down on my couch. I then start to feel a little sick.

"U-um dad, I d-don't feel good." I said stuttering out of fear.

He then was looking for something on the table. He then picked up a knife.

"We'll see how you feel after this." he said in a stern tone.

I quickly got up as quick as I could ran strait to my room and shut the door. But the door bust right open. I just looked at him and fell on my knees and began crying. My glasses fell off of my face. I just look up at him and cry even harder.

"I'm sorry. I didn't mean it." I said crying.

He didn't have any care. He attempted to slice, but I fell back. I quickly got up and moved backing away.

He struck again. I hopped back and bumped into my window. It cracked but it didn't break. My dad then swung as I ducked and he cracked the window more. He swung again causing me to jump back and fall out the window.

*Dream ends*

I shocked up awake. My face felt damped. I hugged myself, and continued to cry. I looked out the window and seen that it was still dark out. I checked my phone to see that it was 2:53. I heard one of the guys getting up. I hid in the cover but peaked. I seen that it was DJ. He walked out of the cabin. I climbed down the latter and followed him quietly.

He went inside the bathroom as I just waited outside. He eventually came out.

"Hey DJ, can I-"

Before I could finish he started screaming. I guess I startled him. Especially when I had my black hoodie on with the hood up in the dark at 2 am in the morning.

I lowered his down to my height.

" DJ! It's just me, see?" I said pulling down my hood.

"Dude, don't scare me like that. I'm easily frightened." he said still a little scared.

" Okay, I won't. But I was wondering if I could talk to you for a minute?" I said

" Sure, what about?"

" It's kinda a long story. Can we find somewhere to sit first?" I said as he nodded. We walked a little bit away from the cabins and sat under a tree.

"So what did you wanted to talk to me about?" DJ askes

"Okay, so I had this strange dream that I was at my house and my dad attempted to kill me." I said.

"Why would he attempt to kill you in your dream?"

"Well, we didn't have the best relationship." I said

"... Oh. Well how come?"

"Well you see, I wasn't planned to be here. My birth was an *cough* "accident."

"I see."

"So my Dad didn't like me much since my mom would pay a lot of attention to me when I was younger. So around when I was 4 my mom and dad were having an argument about me. My dad wanted to put me up for adoption, but my mom didn't. So she went outside for a walk to get some air. While she was crossing the street a truck ran her over. My dad told me it was my fault that she died." I said

"How is that your fault."

"I mean if I wasn't born then she wouldn't have walked out."

"But they brought you here. The driver killed her, and it's his fault for arguing at your mom" DJ said.

"Well after that I kinda stayed in this state of depression that I'm still in. I mean, my dad died when I was 12 from a car crash so I ended up moving with my moms parents. They're really nice to me, especially after what happened." I said in a calm tone.

"You sure your okay, you don't even look upset. You say that like It's nothing. "

"Yeah, I'm fine I just needed someone to rant to." I said.

DJ suddenly pulled me into a hug.

"Sorry, just felt like you needed that" DJ said to me. Tears then began to come down my eyes.

"Derick, you alright?"

"Sorry, I said I wasn't gonna cry. It's just been an emotional two years for me. I miss my mom, a lot. But I'm fine." I said trying to put a smile on my face that instantly broke.

"Come on, we should get you back to sleep" DJ said as we got up went back to bed. I just cried myself back to sleep.

AN: I'm sorry I didn't post in a while, School is starting to get in the way. Plus I just received a Chinese project that has to have 15 slides that is due October 9th. Again sorry I didn't get to post in a while.

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