Chapter 15: Back to this dump

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I finally recovered from being sick. We got on a yacht that would take us back to camp. The guys were dancing on the boat while I just look.

"What a weekend" Duncan said as we got off the boat.

"Oh sweet mother of mirth. You can't buy that kinda fun." Owen yelled.

"I think Owen and DJ took a shine from those lovely ladies who served us hand and foot." Duncan said

"Hello, the spa treatments. My alligator elbows, totally gone. DJ said showing them to me and Owen.

"Ooo, like velvet." Owen said rubbing one.

"I know right" I say rubbing his other one.

"Wow, your hands are really cold." DJ said.

"I know. It's been like that since I was five" I said putting back on my glove.

/"I got to rub his elbow. I mean he didn't think much of it, but I did. *awkward laugh*."/

" I got you your pretzels." DJ said handing me the bag.

"Thanks, I owe you one. Again hehe." I said.

"Does anyone care for a chocolate cherry blossom" Owen said. I took of them. Then Leshawna threw her flip flop at the plate causing it to fall into the water.

"Noooo!" Owen cried.

"Here, you have mine."I said tossing it in his mouth.

"It's Okay dude, the girls are just a little jealous." Geoff said.

"Mean while us guys are tighter then family" Duncan says as they all high five as I stayed to the side with my arms crossed looking the other way.

"Most of us anyway" Duncan said to the rest of the guys.

"Don't be so hard on the guy. He's still apart of our guy team" Trent said pulling me over with the guys.

/"Yeah, not the best with groups. I also hate when attention of a 3 or more people are on me. I'm an introvert."/

I just stood awkwardly. Then Chris spoke on the loud speaker.

"Listen up campers, as of right now all teams are dissolved. From here on in, it's every camper for themselves." Chris said

"Well, uh, I think it's about time we went solo" Duncan said as everyone crossed there arms as I just rolled my eyes. We all turn over to see Eva on a boat.

/" I don't think Eva will be a problem for me. I was to tired to vote that night. Besides, she likes Bastille and Epica. Just like me. I even gave her a few song request before she left."/

I began to zone out a little

"Also returning to camp, Izzy." Chris said. Everyone complained as I just watched her swing on a vine and land right in front of us.

"Hey guys, it's good to be back. Even though I never actually left the island. I've been living in the woods all this time" Izzy said.

"But I thought R.C.M.P. hunted you down" Gwen said.

"They tried, but being a wilderness survivor, I was swift footed and avoided capture." She said eating a raw fish. "Once I was safe among my animal brethren, it was me against the harsh elements."

"You call this harsh? It's been warm and sunny all week Leshawna said.

"Not where I was, but luckily I was able to take refuge in the beaver dam. Yeah, I befriended a family of beavers who lived there, and together we forged for nuts and berries. Boy I could use a bag of nachos right now." She then howls like a wolf. "So what's new with you guys?" Izzy said as Chris interrupted

"Alrighty, campers, report to the amphitheater where you'll learn all about this week's challenge. Mclean out"

I look to seen DJ up head. I run a little to catch up.

"Hi DJ"


" So I was wondering, could we. How do I put this. Can we team up?"


/" I felt like I could trust DJ. I could pretty much tell him anything. I would tell him my crush but... Well that would be awkward./

We eventually get to the amphitheater I sit down next to DJ.

"Welcome to your next challenge the time honored game," say uncle." You are all about to be put through test of endurance so insane that it sent some of out interns to the emergency room. If you back down from the challenge, or do not last the required ten seconds, you will be eliminated. The winner will not only be safe from elimination, but will win this luxurious trailer, yours home at the end of the summer."

"What kinds of torture?" Leshawna asked as I nodded.

"Why don't you ask my lovely assistant?"Chris said. Chef then came in with a hockey mask holding a butcher knife. We were all frightened.

"All right, let's do this. Duncan you're up first up. Let's spin the wheel of misfortune to select your torture. It landed on a turtle.

Chef then began to fire turtles at him. He passed the first round.

"Derick, your next." Chris said. I got up as the I watched the wheel spin. It landed on a giant freezer.

"Derick, you must stand in the human sized freezer." Chris said.

I just shrugged and walked in and stood there for 10 seconds. I came and sat back down.

People kept going. I eventually got eliminated. It was down to Leshawna VS Eva. Leshawna had to go on a long and out smart a bear. It's weird that a bear is capable of doing that, but in the end Leshawna won.

We all went to the elimination ceremony. I sat down next to Gwen.

"Okay, so first off, we ran out of marshmallows." Chris says causing Owen to scream like the world was gonna end.

"I reviewed the confessional and I have to say there's lots of hate on this group, which is awesome. While I normally respect your privacy, in the spirt of airing your dirty laundry, I'm gonna go live with your confessional." Chris said.

Well. No one will be mad at me. I didn't feel the need to vote since I already knew who was going home.

Heather voted for Eva, Duncan voted for Heather, Gwen voted for Eva, Bridget the voted for Eva while praying to God that she'll leave, DJ voted for Eva, Geoff voted for Eva, Lindsay voted for Eva, Owen voted for Heather, and Eva voted Heather.

"Lots of dirt relieved there huh, but in the end, it was still six votes against Eva, so adios." He said. Eva was yelling that she'll be back for revenge.

/"Psst.." I whisper to the camera. "Okay, so I'm planning on making a surprise for DJ. It's a bit much, but I think I can do it."/

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