Chapter 4: Dodge ball, how fun

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I got up around 6:45. I got my sketchbook and started drawing. I always liked drawing cartoon characters. I went to the mess hall early before anyone got here. I got breakfast and sat down by myself since no one was here. Soon everyone else started to come in. Harold came in with pen drawn on his face. Everyone but me started laughing at his face.

"Someone messed with your face dude." Geoff said trying not to laugh.

"Woah, sweet stash." Harold said as I face palmed. Chris then came in.

"Dude you look like death" Chris said to Duncan.

"Stuff it" Duncan said as he put his head back down on the table.

/Derick: "Is it just me, or is Duncan getting tired the best thing ever? He's too tired to make fun of me."\

"Dude, how much are you hurting" Chris said waking Duncan back up.

"Wanna find out" Duncan said sounding really angry as we all got down.

"Hey fish heads, way to kick off your strongest player." Heather said taunting our team.

Courtney tried to shoot food art her, but it hit Gwen instead of Heather.


We all started making our way to where the next challenge was gonna be held. I started to walk beside DJ.

"Do you think we'll win today's challenge" I said. DJ was about to respond but then Courtney jumped in.

"We have to win. We're all ready on a losing streak. We can't afford to extend the Gophers lead." Courtney said.

We arrived in a court Chris then started to explain the rules of dodgeball.

/Derick:"This challenge is perfect. I'm good at dodgeball. Besides, people tend to not notice me and not aim at me. The only way I get out usually is if the ball is caught."\

We all went to the court, I stayed in the back while everyone else fired. Soon it was down to just Cody vs me, DJ, and Katie. Cody threw a ball at DJ. He ducked but it reversed in direction. He then threw an electric ball at Katie, how the hell. I threw the ball but he just caught it. I sat out next round. Owen went on a killing spree and took out everyone. I walked over to see my group having a conversation.

"We need someone to push those Gophers into the dirt." Courtney yelled. We all turned and looked at Duncan.

"If we wake him up he'll kill us" DJ said.

"He will!" I said sounding excited.

/Deeick:"Sorry, I have this habit of making jokes about me dying. Gotta deal with depression somehow right. hehe." I said to the camera in the confessional as I smiled.\

"I'll go wake him up" I volunteered

I started poking his arms really fast as he woke up instantly in anger.

"Dude, you're a dead man" he said as he cracked his knuckles.

Yeah, probably not the smartest thing I've ever did.

I started slowly backing away. Courtney stepped in for me, for once that actually didn't annoy me. She explain to him if he didn't help he'll be eliminated.

"Alright, this is a tactic I learned in Juvie, it's called rush the new guy." Duncan said.

We all lined up and started aiming at someone one at a time. It eventually came down to the final round Me and Harold vs Owen. Oh crap.

Owen started firing as Harold did a ballet twirl then jumped out the way. Owen then fired towards me as I cartwheeled out of the way.

"Time out! Time out!" Courtney yelled as me and Harold sat down.

I felt awkward with a lot of attention being on me.

"You either have to throw him out" Courtney said.

" Which we know you two can't do." Duncan instituted.

"Or catch the ball, can you do it?" Courtney asked.

"Definitely" Harold said with confidence.

"I'll do my best" I said worried that I couldn't do it.

Me and Harold got back on the court. Owen swung his arm in a circle and said"Kowah bonga." he said as the ball came toward us.

I quickly picked up a ball and deflected it back at Owen. Unfortunately for him, it hit him in his crotch. I felt kinda bad since he was so nice.

"The Killer Bass win!" Chris cheered. Suddenly I was picked up by the male members of my team, I smiled with the rest of the team.


I headed to the cabin to finish up the drawing I was doing.

I looked up to see DJ walk in. As soon as he walked in I instantly thought of the dream. And we won the last challenge, and no one else is in here. He was about to say something but I quickly ran out.

/Derick: "Look, for some reason I can't stop thinking of that dream. Well, I don't even think that would've even happened."\

I came back later to see him talking to the rest of the team. I sat down with Harold talking to him about one of my drawings.

"Okay, so here's the original picture, and this is the one I started drawing. I'm not finished yet but do you see the similarities." I said.

He was about to say something but then Duncan came up to us. He took both of our glasses and put Harold's on me and mine on him.

"Yo guys check it out" Duncan said as the other guys looked.

"Can you even see with Harold's glasses?" Duncan asked.

"Um, barely." I responded.

"Wow, your glasses our comfortable, but I can't see" Harold said trying to feel where things are.

I switched our glasses back.

"Congrats on getting us the win guys" DJ said as I nodded.

I guess Duncan actually being nice to us is a one day thing because we won the challenge. We continued talking in our separate groups. Harold started showing me some of his badges.

I showed him some of my drawings. "Whatcha got there?" DJ asked me as I instantly closed the book hugging it.

"Nothing, just a boring book hehe." I lied. He looked confused.

"It's a nerd thing" me and Harold both said. He went back to talking to Duncan and Geoff.

"How come you didn't show DJ your art." Harold asked.

"I only show my friends my art." I said.

"So DJ isn't your friend?" Harold continued to question.

"It's not that, it's just. I don't know. I feel like he wouldn't be interested in it." I said.

"It's getting kinda late, we would probably go to sleep." I finished as Harold nodded.

"Goodnight" we both said as I said. I climbed up my bed and went to sleep. Man why am I so awkward?

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