Chapter 1. There's Three Of Them?!

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"Push Lic! They can see the head!" Jason said. Alicia, screamed in pain as another contraction hit her.

"I swear I won't let you put another one of these things inside of me again." She said.

"You say that now but, just wait until you go into another heat." He said winking.

"Now is not the time!" She yelled as she smacked his chest.

"Sorry." He chuckled. His laughed still made her heart skip a beat. Even in the middle of her giving birth.

"One more big push!" The doctor said. Soon a loud cry was heard.

"There's one and we have one more to go." She gave three more pushes. Another cry was heard.

"There! Twins boys." The doctor said. Alicia let out a tired chuckle.

"Now we have to deliver the placenta." Alicia let out out a scream of pain. The doctor looked back at her.

"What's wrong?"

"It hurts!" She went and looked and saw a third head. Her face paled.

"I was wrong, I missed a baby. Your not having twins, your having triplets."

"What?" Jason said. "That's impossible! There hasn't been a set of triplets born into the Moon Beam Pack in three hundred years."

"We'll that's what she's having." This pain felt so much worse than before. It felt like her inside were being ripped out.

"One more push!"

"AHHH!" The air was filled with crying.

"It's a girl." The doctor said. Alicia smiled as black dots appeared.

"Lic! Alicia! Doctor there's something wrong with her."

"She's fading fast! We need to get her to the ER now, just hold on." Then she passed out.


When she woke up, she was floating and white clouds were all around her. Soft pink light was all around her. She thought it was beautiful. Suddenly she heard a beautiful voice call out to her.

"Alicia!" She turned around to see a beautiful woman behind her. It was like for a brief second she couldn't remember how speak.

"Hello child, I am the Moon goddess."

"Hi!" She said.

"I'm here to tell you that your triplets are my children. You gave birth to the Moon goddess children."

"I know, ma'am. That's what we were taught. I just didn't think I would have them."

"I wanted to tell that it's your responsibility to protect them with your life."

"I will."

"Also, I wanted to tell you that when you wake up everyone in your pack will die, including you. Only my children will escape alive." Her heart sank.

"What?! No?! I just had them! I can't die!"

"They were never yours to begin with!"

"Please, can I have a little time with them." The Moon goddess thought for about for a minute before she responded.

"I can give you seven years."

"Seven years. That's fine. Thank you so much." She knew what she was going to do when she woke up. She had to warn them, if she did then maybe they could live.

The Moon goddess gave her a sad smile. "I know what you're thinking but it won't work. When you wake up you won't remember anything." She started falling to the ground. The Moon goddess smiled before saying

"Remember seven years."

She woke up drenched in sweat. Her husband was sitting beside her holding her hand. Jason smiled.

"Baby, you're awake."

"Jason! I need to tell you something. I had this dream and..."

"What was it?" She tried to remember it but she couldn't. She was drawing a blank. The only thing she could remember was the number seven.


"Seven what?"

"I can't remember but I know it's important." Jason shook his head.

"Just rest now baby. Don't stress about anything okay." She nodded. The nurse came in, pushing the rolling bassinet.

"Okay. What would you like to name these cuties." She said. All of them had brown hair, light brown skin and hazel eyes. The nurse had them in order from oldest to youngest.

"Our firstborn will be named Kaden Lukas Baines, our second born will be named Alexander James Baines, and our youngest will be Eliza Mae Baines." She smiled as she wrote it down on the birth certificate. She hand the proud parents their children. They snuggled into them and slept like they knew they would be safe. Alicia fell asleep with the number seven playing in her brain.

Seven years later

Kaden, Alexander, and Eliza were sleeping in their room when there mother comes into the room.

"Happy birthday, mama's babies." She shouted waking them from their slumber.

"Mama! We're sleeping!" Kaden yawned.

"Yeah! I'm still tired!" Alexander said.

"I just want sleep." Eliza said throwing the covers over her head. Alicia ignored them as she ran and engulfed them in a hug.

"My babies are growing up so fast! It seems like yesterday we brought you guys home from the hospital and now you guys are seven!" She cried.

"Mama! Your squeezing to tight!" Alexander whined.

"Sorry Alex! I love you guys so much!" She said.

"We know Mama. We love you too." The three said in unison. Suddenly the Alpha linked her to being the kids to his office.

"Alpha wants to see you guys."

Eliza gasped. "Uncle Ezra!" Three of them rush to see Alpha Ezra. The triplets are the only ones allowed to call him Uncle. The enter the office with their mother not that far behind them.

"Uncle Ezra! Uncle Ezra!" They said.

"Hey kiddos. Happy birthday."

"Thank you." Alexander said.

"There's something I want to give you."

"What is it?" Kaden asked. Alpha Ezra pulled out a case, when he opened it they saw three rings. They were gold and in the center of it was a blue circle. In the blue circle was the initial on their first name.

"Woah." They said.

"This was suppose to be given to you after your first shift but your mother insisted on me giving them to you today." They each grabbed the ring with their initial on it.

"Thank you!" They cheered.

"Come guys it's time for your party." Alicia said as they placed the ring on their finger.

"Party! Yay!" Kaden cheered. They ran into the courtyard where the entire pack was waiting for them.

"Happy birthday!!"

"Thank you!" They smiled. The day was filled with fun. The triplets were very happy. Jason came out with a giant cake, on the top was three candles each with the number seven, while the pack sang happy birthday.

"Blow out the candles and make a wish." He said. Kaden blew out the first time, Alexander blew out the second one and Eliza the third one. Then a ferocious growl was heard. Just then Alicia remembered her dream she had so long ago. She knew it was to late, she failed them. She looked at her children who looked terrified. She would do everything in her power to keep them safe, even if it meant risking her own life.

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